Chapter 21

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'A Twist In Fate'

Both Shawn and me were sitting on the bed. He was slightly biting his lips and cracking his knuckles while I was just waiting for him to say something. There was a heavy silence until he decided to speak up.

"You really wanna know?" He asked me.

"What do you mean? You want me to just sit here and stare at you? You disappeared for 3 days and I heard some weird things over a phone call and you expect me not to want any  clarification?" I asked him.

I was trying to keep my shit together but I was beyond frustrated. We were sitting in this position since 20 minutes and he wasn't saying anything.

"Okay. So here it is. When I was 13 years old, Aaliyah was kidnapped. And in return, they wanted me to work for them. So I agreed as at that time I was ready to do anything for the well being of my sister. So they made me sign this contract which said that I had to work for them until they wanted me to stop and if I quit then my life will be put in danger. They told me that I would be paid. And like any other teenage boy, I agreed as I was stupid, naive and selfish. I still work for them and they are the ones who always call me. And the day I was beaten up, they were the reason behind it." He stopped and looked at me waiting for an answer.

"But what is the work?" I asked him.

"Import and export of drugs. I am just a worker but also one of the closest employees of the leaders as I and a few other people have been working for them since the gang was formed. The leaders are a couple. The gang's name is Troyler and the two leaders are Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan. They started this gang a few years ago. They kidnapped girls from families and asked the youngest male of the house to work for them and made them sign the same contract. After a year of joining  the gang, I became depressed  as they made my life a living hell. They would beat me up and would abuse me if I did anything without their permission. They didn't allow me to talk to boys of my age seeing the fact that I could disclose the secret of them being a gang. I was the youngest in the group. I started making covers to distract myself  and I ended up being vine famous. I was then invited to MAGCON. I started rising to fame. In the beginning they were really offended but then they started blackmailing me saying that if I would quit working for the gang for my career then they would reveal to the world about me working as a drug exporter. I was too scared to lose my fame and dignity so I went on working for them and till this day I work for them. After meeting you, I realized that it was a mistake. I should quit but see what happened. The gunshot did not hurt me but it was a rival gang leader who shot  Tyler. So we had to fight and I was taken for questioning by Troye as he thought I betrayed them, but I did not. That day when I came with bruises, was the same day that I moved to London without their consent and they found me. I was angry when I received the text because I was frustrated by them. I tried fighting them but I was alone against the gang of 20 men. So after a lot of attempts by me, they tied me to a chair and abused me physically. Your brothers know about it and I requested them not to tell you. Of course they are angry but they know I love you  a lot. I need to go to the gang's area tomorrow too as this rivalry is really dangerous and can harm commoners too. But I know Belle that this won't last any longer."

I was so shocked after hearing all this. This new took me by surprise. Who would know that such a sweet boy could actually do such a thing. I was scared. Not for me but for him. This will affect his life and I can't risk that.  He has fans to impress. He is their saviour and I can't let their saviour put his life in danger.

"We need to stop this. Once and for all. I don't know how but we need to stop this." I barely whispered but he heard looking at me with wide eyes.

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them but now that I said it, I knew I had to do it...


Guys, I need your honest opinion right now. I think that I should delete this story as it's getting boring. Idk what you guys think about this book so please lemme know by either commenting or messaging me. Thanks :)

Btw the book is gonna end in just a few more days :)

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