Chapter 1

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'A Twist In Fate '

I was standing in front of my closet finding something appropriate to wear. Niall and the boys gave me two backstage passes for their last OTRA concert in London. It was a gift from them for my 17th birthday along with some other stuff. They wanted me and my best friend , Carol to meet some people. I was excited but really nervous at the same time because I have always been that awkward person. I am really shy while meeting new people. Some people find it strange cause they 'feel' that Niall Horan's sister should be confident as she meets so many fans who love her and all that blah blah but honestly I got it from Niall. Even he is a shy chick. He sees girls and turns bright red like a tomato!

"Belle,why the hell are you not ready yet. We are leaving in an hour, " I heard Carol shouting behind me; snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"I can't find anything good to wear. Please find something for me. You surely don't want your friend to get insulted in front of thousands because of her poor fashion sense, right?", I said pulling the cutest puppy dog which I knew could not be ignored by her. She gave me a look and walked past me to my closet pulling out a really cute outfit. It consisted of a black crop top with different neon colours sprayed on it. It had white sequins stitched together as sleeves and along with that, she picked out a white high waist shorts. Then she picked out a white hairband with a large black bow on it's left side. She gave me a couple of bracelets and white toms to complete the outfit. She pushed me inside the closet and left the room, letting me change. After I had put on everything, I decided to curl my hair a bit. Then moving on to my makeup, I decided to apply a bit of concealer with mascara and a light pink chapstick. I am not a big fan of caking up my face with loads and loads of makeup. I took a final look at myself and I looked pretty decent. I grabbed my phone and then walked out of my room. If you don't know then all the boys, their girlfriend , Carol and me in one house with different rooms.

I walked down the stairs and Carol was sitting on the couch doing something on her phone. She saw me and the first words that left her mouth were, "Belle, I never knew that you could look so beautiful. "
I never took too much of effort to look good but as Niall wanted me to meet someone and I didn't want him to be disappointed in me, made me do all these things. This person was clearly important to him and you could make it out by the way he used to talk about this mystery person. Not wasting any more time,we went out our apartment and went towards Carol's car.

A/N Hi guys. This is my first fanfic and I am really excited. It would mean a lot to me if you comment and vote so that I can get your feedback. They matter a lot. For any queries DM me here or my instagram which is @nerdy_mendes_1deee and my twitter which is Mendes1deee .
Thank you.


A Twist In Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें