Chapter 23

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'A Twist In Fate'

We had reached the gang's area, all of us dressed in black.

The place was no where near what I had pictured it to be. It was a large room with cream coloured walls. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling. There was a huge sofa set with the covers made out of some smooth material, maybe velvet  and the cushions looked really fluffy. It did not look like a gang's hideout at all.

Suddenly, I saw a boy, maybe in his early twenties walk into the room. He had curly brown hair. He had sea green eyes and his skin was pale but his cheeks were red. He was really skinny and had prominent  cheekbones. His lips were abnormally pink and he had a nose piercing.

He walked towards Shawn and held out his hand for Shawn to shake.

"Good to see you again Shawn. Never thought that you would show up. And who are these people here?" He said. I could feel him eyeing me up and down and his gaze made me uncomfortable.

Shawn wrapped his arm around me waist I whispered softly into my ear, " Don't worry, he's a gay," and I sighed in relief. Of course I do respect gays but the boy's mocking tone make me slightly uncomfortable.

"Good to see you too Troye. Well these are the people I told you about during our phone call. They'll help us." Shawn said to him.

"Ah, I see. Are you gonna introduce them to me?" Troye asked Shawn.

"Yeah sure. This is Isabelle, Niall, Harry, Danielle,Carol, Louis, Liam, Vanshi and Zayn." Shawn introduced us one by one as we shook hands with Troye.

"Nice to meet all of you. By the way Shawn, you've got a nice girlfriend out here." He said which made both Shawn and I blush furiously while everyone else let out a nervous chuckle. Even though, Shawn and I weren't together yet, I still had strong feelings for him.

Troye seemed so good that it kinda shocked me that he could be the leader of such a dangerous gang.

"Now if you guys could excuse me, I would like to have a private conversation with Shawn." He said with a polite smile.

Troye turned around and walked ahead while Shawn followed him. It was a shocker that this guy was actually the leader of a fucking gang!

We were just looking around when we heard a loud bang. People started running around and I felt something hard hit on my head and soon everything went black around me....

A/N I'm so sorry that I'm late. I've been really busy. This chapter was saved in my draft thingy but wattpad deleted it  so I had to write again! Vote and comment and make sure to share my story!

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