Chapter 15

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'A Twist In Fate'

Shawn was on the couch making out with some girl whose face I could not see. I knew that I had tears running down my face. I still brought myself to call his name.

"Shawn" I whimpered and suddenly he pulled away from the girl.

The girl was no one else but Camila.

I knew something was going on between them, thanks to the Mendes Army but I never knew Shawn would move on this fast.

"Isabelle, it's not what it looks like. Please let me explain!" He said hurriedly.

" Yeah,go ahead explain." I said calmly.

Both him and Camila looked at me shocked.

They must've thought that I would have overreacted but after thinking it over, I don't have a right to say anything because technically we are over. And that's exactly what I said to him.

Deep down, I knew that I was hurt. I love him and seeing him sucking faces with another girl made me disappointed and jealous.

Without saying another word, I went to my room and locked the door. I know my life was a mess right now but I can't afford to be a mess.

I decided that from now I am gonna stay away from Shawn and concentrate on my studies and my job which I had been missing for a couple of days. Both of these things were the only ways to get my mind off Shawn.


A/N sorry for the short chapter. I am just so tired. I promise I will update tomorrow and the chapter will be longer. And no hate to Camila. She is really good. This is just a fiction story, alright? Follow my social media

Instagram - nerdy_Mendes_1deee
Twitter - Mendes1deee

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