Chapter 6

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'A Twist In Fate'

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I opened my eyes and was welcomed by a ray of sunlight coming through my windows. I sat up and instantly there was a knock on my door. I mumbled a small "Come in" and there was a rather happy Carol standing on the doorway. She came and sat on my bed.

"Hey! Good morning", she said in a cheery voice.

"I need to talk to you about yesterday" she continued and then all the memories flooded in my mind. My birthday, the concert, Shawn,his change of mood. Everything.

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked.

"Do you know why Shawn left yesterday?" ,she asked with a grave expression on her face.

I then thought of telling Carol everything. Why not? She is my best friend and I can trust her with my life. So without wasting any time, I answered,

"Yes. I know why he left...", Carol nodded for me to continue, " yesterday, while we were sitting on the couch and talking, Shawn got a text. He was in a good mood before receiving it but as soon as he read it, his mood changed. I asked him about it and he started going all dip shit. Then he took his car keys and phone and left. After that I don't have any idea where he went or what happened. I was really upset and tired to talk to anyone so I just went to bed. By the way, why are you asking me this?" I asked.

"Well, he has not returned since yesterday We tried calling him but he is not picking up his phone . No one knows where he is. Not even Andrew."

These few words were enough to shake me up....


Hey guys. I am sorry for not updating. I had my exams. So double update tonight!! Now there is certainly gonna be a twist after this chapter so get ready ; )

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