"What about chick fil a, it's quick and good" he says and I simply nod my head as he drove off.

We parked into the chick fil a parking lot and got out and walked inside contemplating on what to order, I was just going to get chicken nuggets and fries with of course chick fil a sauce.

We got our food and sat down and began eating, not talking much at all. It was pretty awkward if you asked me...I realized I don't know much about him at all.

"So I don't know a lot about you what are things you like" I break the tension.

"I like sports...football to be exact and I listen to a lot of rap music mostly, I don't know what else you'd want to know" I shook my head getting bored.

"Yeah...I like music to but not really rap" he shrugs and went back to eating, this was just getting very awkward I didn't really like it one bit. I don't know if we were going to work out good at all, seemed as if he didn't even want to try. For heavens sake I just think he's incredibly hot I don't like him like that.

We threw our food away once we were done and walked back to the car, before we got inside I stopped him and he stood in front of me confused.

"What?" He said not looking me in the face.

"Jack...your a good guy but I think you know it too...this is just awkward and we don't have much in common at all, I don't think we can work" I bit my lip and he nodded his head in a understatement.

"Yeah me to...honestly at first I wanted to date you because you were hot but I realized you are not just hot and you have a good personality and i was skeptical because I don't know your not my type but you are very nice and we just don't make a good couple...at all" i nodded my head at his words, none of this effects me it was just as if we were acquaintances and only acquaintances.

"Okay...I guess just drop me off at home then" he nodded his head as we got into his car, honestly I felt a huge weight have been lifted off my shoulders...I was glad I wasn't dating him anymore and i could live freely and not have to worry about trying to keep my distance from shawn because I realized now, that I wanted to be closer to him than ever.

"Bye jack" I wave to him and he did back and I smiled as I got into the apartment building going up the elevator and finding my door on the left.

"I'm so glad I'm home" I smelt the familiar scent of burning candles which just brought me back at home.

"Also Christian don't worry about jack and I we broke up" I walk over to his bedroom to see it shut. He opened up confused.

"What did he do to you?" He clenched his jaw.

"Relax, I ended things off...we were never compatible in the first place and he agreed...I didn't really like him that much" I tell him and he sighed in relief.

"I'm so glad..I didn't like him when I first saw him" I rolled my eyes.

"You'd say that to any guy" I truthfully say.

"Correct!" I laugh at him.

"I'll be in my room if you need me, I have to finish up some homework" I walked into my bedroom going on my laptop and laying down on my bed. I had to do some homework that was due on Monday, it was currently Saturday right now.

I finished up after 2 hours of doing once again, another report. I rubbed my temples from all the concentration I had going on, it was exhausting.

I decided I was going to FaceTime shawn and talk to him. I threw my hair up into a bun before I did since it was all ratty from laying down.

After 4 rings he answered with a smile on his face, gosh I'd kill to see that smile everyday.

"Hey shawn is" I joke with him and he laughs.

"Hey del, how are you" he was either in his room or some other place in the house but he was laying down but leaning against the wall or something.

"I'm great actually! What about you?"

"I'm doing good, and why must you be in such a happy mood" he plays around.

"This may sound weird but it's because I broke up with my boyfriend" I chuckle st the end to only have him choke on the water he was currently drinking.

"Y-you wha-at?" He seemed so surprised, I wondered why though.

"Yeah...we didn't work well together...glad he thought so to" I sigh in relief.

"We'll as long as your happy that's great, some things aren't meant to be I guess." I agreed with him.

Gosh he was adorable he had his shirt off but I couldn't see his abs but I could definitely see his muscles and it nearly left me in a trance.

"You should come down here soon" I tell him as I stared at him.

"I want to badly...it's killing me I need to see you" I needed to see him also...I just wanted to hug him and hold him I just wanted to do so many things with him that I knew I can't do.

"Indeed it is, I really want to hug you" I chuckle, I was being very flirty at the moment probably because I was just in a good mood and he was so hot right now. I mean he is all the time.

"Oh me to...trust me, me to" he bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair.

We stayed silent for the next ten minutes enjoying each other's presence even if it was on FaceTime.

"How have you and your girlfriend been" I ran my fingers through my wavy hair fixing the part.

"Good, haven't seen her much though" he bit his lip once again, which I wondered why.

I nodded my head and faked a smile.

"Well I hope you're happy with her... don't want to see you hurt or anything" I seriously say.

"Thank you and yes...I'm happy with her" for some reason those words put pain into my heart...I know how selfish this sounds but I don't want him to be happy with her I want him to be happy with me...

"That's good...I just hope me talking to you won't ruin your relationship with her or anything" I shrug and for some reason his face lit up.

"You'd never, sorry this is so sudden but I have to go I would love to talk to you more I'll text you later...bye bestie" he jokes and I stifle a laugh.

"Okay shawn, bye" he ended it and I just sat there...I just wish he could be mine and we can do all that cheesy couple stuff together and be with each other all the time. I wanted to see him all the time and have him hold me in his arms...I missed the feeling of being warm by him. I just missed him so much it was unbelievable.

I felt lonely and depressed in that very moment.

6:17 pm

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