really? | ten

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I could feel his breath against my lips. It sent chills down my spine. Before I knew it, my lips were touching his.

I felt a rush of excitement with a mixture of fluster. He went in perfect sync and I followed. Plump and soft is how I can explain his lips. It felt..amazing. He then ran his fingers through my hair, leaving me to feel more chills. I wrap my arms around his neck as he begins pushing me down to the couch with him on top of me. But before he could even think about getting further, a cellphone rang.

Nate pulls away and pulls out his phone from his back pocket and checks to see who was calling him. He groaned.

"Ughh...I gotta take this. I'm sorry." he rolled his eyes then got up from me to walk out his back door.

"O-okay.." was all I could say.

I sat up on the couch with crossed arms, kind of upset that his phone had to interrupt us.

I look over to the sliding door of his backyard. A frustrated Nate was what I could see from my view.

'Why is he angry? Did I do something to make him this angry?'

I shrugged the thought away until he came back in while he slid his phone back into his pocket.

'Hey, sorry about that. Someone unexpected was calling." He rubbed the back of his neck while he looked at me with a weak smile.

I wanted to ask who it was but I'd rather not cause anything. I just nodded.

"If you want, we could finish what we've started?" He sat next to me with a big smirk on his face as he hooked his hand to my waist. It got awkward enough so I just kissed his nose.

"Maybe next time. I think I'll just go home for tonight. But, thank you for cheering me up. I..I appreciate that you care for me."

I gave a small smile before getting up and walking towards the door. I looked back at him and waved then walked out of the house.

I feel bad for leaving him hanging like that but I didn't want to be in that room forever with an awkward vibe. I found that it is best if I just went back home. I reached the steps to my house and sighed as I walked up them to open the door slowly.

As I did before, I tried my best to be real quiet as I try entering my room. I shut the door behind me and locked the door. I lay in my bed and stare up at the ceiling.

"Imagine...just imagine how far we could've gone.."

   Nate's P.O.V.

  'She left.. Ugh,S
stupid phone. Why did you have to interrupt us?! We were almost there..'

Heyyoo!! Sorry for being on a long hiatus again. I just had so much going on, you don't even know. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this smol chapter! Love you all!!

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