Chapter 13

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So..I know it's taken a while. I honestly am trying not to leave huge gaps between updates, but you 😬
It's a short chapter, please don't hate me 🙈

Listen: fantastic beasts soundtrack- Newt says goodbye to Tina

13| Seeing

It was a bright morning with the sun glowing across the grounds of Hogwarts. The sky was blue and the castle was quiet. Finishing work on the castle had not yet started, leaving all those inhabiting the school in peace.

A cup of steaming tea sat on the small coffee table set in front of the unlit fireplace. Milk and sugar was added before being picked up. "I really don't know what to do about this." Lucia handed the prepared cup to Minerva, who was sitting across from her on the couch. She poured tea in another cup for herself and fixed it before sitting next to Minerva. She blew on her tea before taking a sip, waiting for Minerva's response.

"I'm not sure what I can tell you." Minerva sipped her tea and held it on her lap, "however, I can perhaps give you my insight."

"Anything you might tell me would be helpful."

Minerva nodded, "as I'm sure you've learned by now, Severus can be rather difficult." She shifted to be more direct with Lucia. "Severus does not let people get close to him, or easily for a matter of fact."

Lucia nodded understandingly. "Can you tell me why that is? I have an idea, but I'm unsure if I'm right."

Minerva leaned back, "Severus had a troubling early life. I won't go into too much detail, as that is his choice." She took another sip of her tea, "what I can tell you is you must give him time to open up. He can be prickly, true, but," she reached over, placing her hand on Lucia's arm, "given time he's much softer."

Lucia took a deep breath, letting it out smoothly. "I knew his life before teaching wasn't exactly pleasant. I didn't realize that extended farther back."

Minerva nodded again, "oh yes, even in his time as a student." She shook her head sadly, "he was bullied and alone for the most of it."

"Bullied by who?"

"Plenty of people, primarily.." Minerva hesitated, "a group of Griffindors."

Lucia raised an eyebrow, but received no explanation. "Is that why he has trust issues?"

Minerva sighed, "I take you noticed that then."

"I did. It was obvious from the beginning."

"Ah, I see." Minerva sipped her tea again, thinking. "I assume he was difficult, as usual, when he was under your care?"

Lucia laughed, "at first, yes. He learned quickly that I wouldn't accept any attitude from him."

"Good, he needs to be taken down a peg or two once in a while." Minerva leaned forward to place her empty cup on the coffee table. Sitting back, she placed her hands in her lap. "I'm glad to see him be more open with you."

"It has taken a lot of effort." Lucia gave Minerva a soft smile, "he's still hesitant though. I try not to push him, too much anyways."

Minerva nodded, "it's difficult not to. I understand my dear, I really do."

Lucia finished her tea and placed it on the table. Sighing, she placed her head in her hands as she leaned forward on her knees. "I just don't know what else to do for him."

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