Chapter 2

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Ever wonder what Severus would be like as a patient? Well, here's my take.

2| recovering

Over the next few days, Severus slowly made progress in his recovery. He could now sit up by himself and move with more ease. His appetite had also returned fully, although he didn't eat that much before, and Lucia made sure he was eating enough to get his strength back. Lucia was, as surprised as Severus was to admit it, a wonderful caretaker and companion of sorts. He wouldn't say it out loud, but Severus had grown use to her and began to enjoy her company. She might be taking care of him, but Lucia did not treat him like he was incapable of doing anything and he was grateful for that. She was able to aid him while giving him the independence he desired.

Severus quickly learned Lucia had a keen sense of reading people and understanding boundaries. It was refreshing to have someone give him the kindness and respect he had yearned for, not to mention the intellectual conversations she was able to hold with him. Even so, Severus couldn't fathom why a beautiful, intelligent women like Lucia would want to help him. Whether it was out of pity or a sense of duty, he couldn't tell.

Currently Lucia was preparing another one of his potions to take. Today Severus was going to try and stand again. Lucia was unsure if he'd be able to walk further than a few steps. He was determined to at least be able to walk with support so he could sit somewhere other than the small bed.

While he was waiting for Lucia, Severus moved so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and stared at the ground. Lucia said he didn't have any permanent damage from the snake venom, but what if he couldn't walk? He understood the trauma his body went through, but it shouldn't take this long to be able to function normally. Perhaps his impatience was casing him to push himself too much too soon. Too caught up in his worrying, Severus didn't see Lucia walk over to him. He didn't realize she was standing in front of him until a flask obscured his vision and she spoke.

"Here's your potion. Is everything alright?"

"I am fine."

"If you say so," Lucia knew not to push him when he was like this. Whenever he was caught up in his thoughts. She could tell he was concerned about attempting to walk today, but he shouldn't be. There was nothing suggesting he would experience any lasting effects from the venom, she had gotten it all out and cleared his system. The only issue he should have is stiffness. "Let's start, shall we?"

"If you insist. I do not need you to assist me up, just stand near me incase I stumble."

"Are you sure you don't need help up? You could just fall right over on your face." His refusal to get help was quite frustrating.

"It's not like any more damage can be done. In fact, it might make an improvement."

Lucia sighed at his comment. "Severus."

"I am not wrong," Severus closed his mouth at the stern look Lucia gave him.
She stepped closer to him and waited for him to stand or try to, "Just be ready. I do not need you to touch me."

Lucia just rolled her eyes at his statement. He had an issue with touching she learned. She was worried that he would be too unsteady to stay standing for long. She really didn't want him to fly forward face first into the stone floor, even if he said it wouldn't ruin his face. She knew exactly what he meant as well. He didn't feel like he could get anymore unappealing as it was, although he wasn't as unattractive as he thought. He was no heartthrob for sure, but he had his own charm. That would also be more notable if he showed his softer side more often.

She came to realize his sour attitude came from a sense of self-preservation and self-hatred. If he acted rude and uninterested, no one would have the chance to use it to demean him anymore than he has himself. If he was going to be talked about, might as well give them what they want. Such a flawed way of thinking, but yet Severus couldn't seem to stop it. This thought always caused Lucia to sigh sadly, if only he could see..

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