Chapter 37

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Sh*'t's about to get real my friends.

Also, I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I injured my hand, but it's all good now and I can type normally again. So....yay!

Listen: Opposites Attract by Clint Mansell

37| running

Lucia was frozen where she was standing. She couldn't believe, or understand, that Andrew was there in front of her. It was too much for her at that moment. She had finally decided to leave him in her past and move on with Severus. Hell she just got back from having the most wonderful time with Severus in his home. So of course her old friend would choose now to show up unannounced like this. She could already feel the impending panic attack building up.

Sensing her struggle, Andrew tried to say something to soothe her. "I know seeing me is a lot to take in right now." He gave a small laugh. "Especially since we haven't seen each other in years. But I had to see you."

"Andrew," Lucia whispered tentatively, "you shouldn't be here."

"I know it's unexpected."

Lucia took a breath to steady herself. "How did you even get inside? There's wards all around the school grounds."

Andrew shrugged. "It was difficult," he said bluntly.

"But you still managed," Lucia stated with a bitter edge to her voice.

"For you, yes."

Lucia sighed and looked away to hide the tears building up in her eyes. She refused to let him see how this was affecting her. "You have to leave." Andrew tried to approach her but she backed up. "You can't be here Andrew."

Andrew sighed, "I knew you would have a hard time with this." He made to step closer to her but paused when she tensed up. "Just please listen to me," he begged her slightly.

"I can't do this right now."

"Lucia please just hear me out," Andrew pleaded again.

When Andrew went to grab her hand, Lucia slapped his hand away. "Don't!"

Andrew held his hands up and took a step back. "I'm sorry." He slowly let his hands fall back to his sides and waited for Lucia to make the next move.

"I'm done trying to understand you Andrew," Lucia finally said flatly.

While reaching into his pocket, Andrew nodded along with her. "I know, you said as much in your last letter to me." He pulled out a folded piece of paper and showed it to her. "I kept it. I've kept all of them," he said dejectedly. This wasn't how he imagined their reunion would go.

"I meant it."

Andrew recoiled at Lucia's harsh tone. "We're best friends Luce."

"Were friends," Lucia corrected him.

Sucking in a breath, Andrew attempted to hide the hurt that caused him. "I should have expected that." He recomposed himself and put the letter back in his pocket. "But I thought if I just saw you in person and explained everything you would understand."

Lucia was shaking her head as he was talking. "No, I've heard enough." She could feel the shock and fear subsiding into anger the longer she was in the room with him. "It's too late."

"It can't be too late, I refuse to believe that."

Knowing nothing else will register with him, she said the one thing he wouldn't expect. "I'm seeing someone."

Andrew froze. "What," he asked her indignantly. "That's not right, you and Kane just divorced."

"It's not like it was a real marriage anyways."

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