Chapter 14

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You guys! You should all be so proud of me because I actually made an outline for the next few chapters in both my stories. How great is that!? Hopefully it will help me update faster.


14| listening

Lucia paused as she got to the seating area in his chambers. Her gaze was drawn to the bottle sitting on the table, causing her to take a deep breathe. She let out a disappointed sigh before turning to Severus when she heard him get closer. She noticed he stopped a few steps away from her.

He studied her expression, noticing her agitation. "What is it now?"

Lucia pointed to the bottle, "what is that?" At his silence, she sighed again. "Severus, I told you I'd prefer you only drink with me around. I don't want something to happen."

He scowled, "I know."

Shaking her head, she placed her hands on her hips. "Then why do you have that out?" She gave him an exasperated look, "we haven't spoken in just a few days and already you slip back into old habits."

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, "I did not slip into old habits. I brought the bottle out with the intention of drinking, however, I did not."

"And what changed your mind?"

Severus looked back at her, "you. I could not get your bloody voice out of my head."

Lucia softened a bit at that. "Well, maybe it would be easier if I removed the temptation."

Severus scowled again, "you will do no such thing." At her challenging look, he huffed, "it is of no concern to you. I bought the bottle and you will not just throw it out."

"I didn't say I would do that," Lucia sighed frustratedly and placed her hands over her face, "just, that's not why I'm here." She removed her hands to meet his eyes, "I came here to talk about our last conversation. Can we do that?"

Severus nodded slowly. He waved his hand in the direction of the couch, inviting her to sit. Once she did, Severus took a seat himself in his armchair. He folded his arms over his chest and waited for her to start, the feeling of anxiety starting to swell in him from the apprehension of what was to come.

Lucia shifted uncomfortably. "Before we start, I do want to know what you were going to find me for."

Severus jolted surprised, not sure of what to say. He relaxed, telling himself there would be no reason to worry. "I had, in fact, planned to go to you and have the same conversation."

She looked slightly surprised by his admission, as she would never expect him to initiate something like that. Then she let out a soft laugh, "I guess neither of us could stand the silence anymore."

Severus' mouth twitched at the corner, but he held back the smile that threatened to emerge. "I suppose so."

She nodded as the smile slipped from her face slowly. "Now that I'm here, I'm not sure where to start." She looked down to her hands, twisting them together. "I'll start by apologizing to you," she met his eyes, "it wasn't my intention to push you. I understand that you may feel differently about yourself and I can't force you to be happy."

Severus opened his mouth, but found that no words would come out. He couldn't believe Lucia felt she was at fault. It was not his intention to make her feel guilty. "As much as I appreciate your apology, Lucia, I do not feel it is necessary."

Lucia looked at him confused. "Are you sure? I feel as though I pushed you into an uncomfortable position."

"In a way, yes." He sighed deeply, "however, I believe I am the one who needs to apologize." He cut her off when she tried to interrupt him, "I was too harsh. I realize that you had only the best intentions."

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