Chapter 29

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Now we're getting into the fun stuff guys. BUT, we can't get too carried away. Yet 😉

And we hit 50k reads!

Listen: Elisa's Theme by Alexandre Desplat

29| noticing

"Alright, now I want you all to translate the sentences I gave you." Lucia waved her wand to open the blinds in the room. She turned off the projector and leaned against her podium as the parchments with the assignment were handed out. "You have until the end of class to work on it. Otherwise, it's due at the beginning of next class on Thursday."

The small group of students quickly began to translate the runes she gave them. While they were doing that, Lucia worked more on what they would be learning in the next class. She glanced up when she heard hushed laughter. Ava and her friend Allison were giggling to themselves about something. Another Slytherin, Mia, rolled her eyes and told them to be quiet. Lucia was slightly surprised when she noticed Riddle's small smirk. He was a diligent student, but hardly engaged with the others from what she's seen.

Suddenly, Riddle looked up at Lucia. She cleared her throat and went back to her work. She sighed when she went back to the texts being used for the class and realized there was an issue with what she outlined. Some of the runes were closer in appearance and without carefully studying it, there would be quite the mix up in meaning. She didn't want her students to translate a sentence with trees rather than people. She used her wand to clear what she first wrote and wrote down the correct rune. Hearing laughing again, Lucia paused to look up.

"Ladies, please use the time to work. You can talk after class."

The girls stopped talking and turned back to their work. The rest of the class period continued in silence. Lucia managed to finish the lesson plan for the next class and took notice of the near full-pages of parchment most of the students had. Checking the time, she realized there wasn't a point in keeping them for another few minutes.

Lucia cleared her throat to get the students' attention. "Since it seems most of you are close to done, I'm letting you all out a little early today." She bit back a smile as the students excitedly gathered their supplies and started to leave. "I'll see you all on Thursday with your finished assignments. Please have them ready to turn in as soon as class starts."

Knowing she was just talking to air at that point, Lucia shook her head and went about tidying up her classroom. She cast a quick charm to organize her papers into one pile and went to the bookshelf to return the text she was using. She had her back towards the entrance to her classroom and didn't immediately notice someone come in. As she was readjusting the table she moved earlier, she become aware of someone standing behind her. She turned around to find Severus standing next to the podium.

Lucia smiled at him, "well this is a surprise." She brushed off her hands on her blouse and went over him. "What are you doing here?"

"I know we do not typically meet in our classrooms, but I could not resist." He smirked at her pleased expression, which was accompanied by a head tilt. "Why are you fussing over the state of the room so much?"

Lucia's brows lifted in surprise. "That's the first thing you say?" She laughed, wondering how she dealt with his odd ways. "I don't want to come to a mess next time I hold class."

"Because it was clearly a disaster," Severus bit out sarcastically.

Lucia shook her head at him. "Not the point."

Severus raised an eyebrow but chose not to comment further. "I made sure that no students were around before entering."

"Oh really." Lucia bit her lip with a teasing smirk. "Are you suggesting something?"

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