Chapter 28

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Well guys, things have been crazy. We just moved and are unpacking, and I'm looking for a new job. For some reason this whole chapter feels off to me..but I hope it's still good.

Listen: Dumbledore by James Newton Howard

28| exploring


The first week of the month was spent testing the waters for Lucia and Severus. True to word, they did take things slow to begin with. But Lucia did enjoy flustering Severus occasionally. They exchanged chaste kisses in greeting and when parting in the evenings. He tended to gravitate towards her chambers instead of his to evade the chill of the dungeons, which worked well for both of them. Not many words were exchanged during these times because they graded or didn't feel the need to talk. That didn't stop the few breaks that involved more passionate kissing. One thing that was certain for both of them, it felt right to be together.

Now the second weekend in the month was more hectic due to the first quidditch match of the season. Slytherin would be facing off against Gryffindor. Lucia could care less about which team won, she was more excited to watch Ava in her first match as captain for Slytherin. She was so incredibly proud of her goddaughter. Severus wasn't quite as thrilled however.

"You have to attend the first match at least Severus," Lucia said as she walked back to the sitting area of her chambers. She sat next to Severus on the sofa and handed him a glass of wine. "I don't want to sit alone."

Severus hummed unsatisfied by her reasoning. "I am sure Lupin will be there to keep you company."

Rolling her eyes, Lucia leaned back. "You're ridiculous." She took a drink and looked at him. "I enjoy talking to him, but he's not you."

"I would say he's better." Severus's expression had softened, and his words didn't hold any spite behind it. "More sociable than me."

Lucia smirked and titled her head towards him. "What if I preferred your stoic silence over mindless chatter?"

Severus lifted a brow, "I would say something is wrong with you."

"I stand by what I originally said," Lucia said with a laugh. "You are ridiculous."

Severus let out a deep chuckle. He had come to enjoy their bantering, especially when her cattiness came out. He wondered if she realized he purposefully gets her riled up and just allowed him to do it. Considering she never took it too seriously or did anything to stop it, he assumed she was well aware of his tricks. Yet he couldn't imagine not having these moments. It was liberating to have someone who can throw back any snide comments he makes with just as much sarcasm. He is accustomed to having to watch what he says, so being with someone in such a private setting who could handle his humor was refreshing.

Lucia let out a long, soft sigh. "In all seriousness, please go with me." When Severus remained unmoved, she put aside her glass and moved closer. She leaned towards him and gave him her best pleading face. "Please?"

Severus stared at her expressionless for a few seconds. He began to cave when she bit her lip and ran her hand up his arm gently. He groaned, "alright. I will go."

"Thank you," Lucia said with a smug smile.

Severus rolled his eyes and finished off his glass. "As if you would give me a choice."

"You always have a choice," Lucia said lightly. "I just gave you a push in the right direction."

"Right," Severus said with a snort.

She Healed Me | Severus SnapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora