Chapter 27

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Here we go guys...the chapter that will patch everything up. And as a fun game as you read, spot the (multiple) movie references in the chapter! 😬

Listen: Gypsy by Stevie Nicks

27| fixing

For the next week Lucia and Minerva worked together to find a way to fix things with Severus. Minerva was integral in helping Lucia realize exactly what caused him to lash out. Over the few days without seeing or talking to Severus, she had plenty of time to reflect. She came to understand that Severus was battling a lot of insecurities, which were clearly dug up from their misunderstanding. She knew he had trouble seeing the good in himself, but she hadn't expected him to seek out a reason to let those insecurities control him. The more she thought on it, the more Lucia realized what made that happen.

Considering she was under the influence of alcohol when they kissed, he dismissed there being genuine feelings behind it. She assumed he originally wanted to talk about that night when he went to her chambers. Until he saw the letter she wrote for Andrew that she hadn't intended to send. Seeing this was right after she had told him she was going to forget about her old friend and subsequently kissed him. His frustration over her changing her mind made a disastrous combination with his insecurities and difficulty opening up emotionally.

Now she wasn't going to excuse the insulting statements he made. She understood his anger now, that was true. But that didn't give him the right to verbally assault her. That was just another thing they will need to discuss. Of all things she couldn't fathom why he would think she was playing with his emotions. That was the most hurtful thing he threw at her, knowing everything about her previous marriage. How could he think that of her? It was that particular thought that delayed Lucia from approaching Severus sooner. She just needed a little longer to get past that. She could acknowledge the fact that she may have confused him or given him mixed signals. That letter shouldn't have even been written in the first place. Now all she had to do was get Severus to talk to her so she could tell him that herself.

So it was at the end of the week after all this thinking that Lucia decided to attend meals in the Great Hall regularly again. Severus hadn't been sitting next to her, if he was there at all. She honestly expected that and didn't really mind all that much. That had given her time to catch up with Remus. Like usual that morning, she took her place next to the Defense professor. Surprisingly, Severus was also there. Lucia had caught Minerva casting a concerned look her way but simply shrugged her off.

"Ah good morning Professor," Remus greeted her as Lucia sat down.

Lucia laughed softly. "Why do you insist on addressing me by that?" She got herself situated and poured herself a drink. "I just use your name."

Remus chuckled. "I know. It must be purely out of habit."

"Well I guess it's a good habit in front of students," Lucia said with a smile. She took a drink of her water and cleared her throat. "I haven't had much of a chance to talk to you recently."

"That is true." Remus fixed his plate to start eating. "Although you usually sit with Severus."

Lucia briefly glanced over to her left where Severus was sitting a few seats down. "Right. I didn't mean to just ignore you." She genuinely felt bad for essentially forgetting him.

Remus waved her off. "Don't worry about it." He also stole a glance at the potions professor. "Now why is Severus sitting so far from you? In fact, I haven't seen you two even speak in a number of days."

"Because we haven't," Lucia said back quietly. "We had a bit of a disagreement a few days ago."

Remus nodded in understanding. "Well that would explain that."

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