Chapter 45

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So kind of a filler chapter, but we're bringing some resolution to the most recent misunderstanding between these two. Oh and it's time to bring back a very fun character again *wink wink*

Listen: Stop This Flame by Celeste

45| winning

With final exams on the horizon, everyone was looking forward to a good distraction. That just so happened to be the upcoming quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. There was still a lot of buzz surrounding Gryffindor and Ravenclaw facing off, but this pairing was an exciting match up. Hufflepuff had been doing far better than normal that year. And Slytherin had been far from perfect recently.

Most of the students were intrigued to see how the match would play out. But no one was as excited as Nymphadora Tonks. She was full of Hufflepuff pride as she sat down next to Lucia, dead center of the second row in the professors stand. Lucia was excited as well, as she usually was when she watched her goddaughter play. Although she wasn't all decked out in house gear like her companion.

"You're really into this match," Lucia observed with a laugh when Tonks got settled.

"I'm always ready to support my house." Tonks fixed her scarf to sit looser on her neck considering the nice weather. "With the way your house has been performing, I think they have a fair shot at winning."

Lucia sighed softly, "well it's not for a lack of trying." She briefly flashed a smile to Remus as he sat down on the other side of Tonks. "At least on Ava's part," she finished.

Tonks took a second to think that over before connecting the dots. "Oh right, of course." She gave Lucia a sheepish smile at her slip up. "Poor girl has had a difficult run."

"What are we talking about?"

Tonks turned to Remus, not having really taken notice of his presence at that moment. "The chances Hufflepuff has at winning," she explained flippantly.

"Ah, well I'd say those chances are quite high." He smiled apologetically at Lucia when he caught her teasing glare. "I am sure Ava has done everything she could possibly do for their team."

"She's tried," Lucia stated shortly.

To divert the slight tension, Remus brought up something else. "I see Severus is missing."

"He'll be here a little later." Lucia rolled her eyes then. "He said he didn't want to lose the momentum he had with grading." Honestly, she knew he just didn't feel like going.

"What a quack," Tonks said with a snort.

Remus chuckled while placing a hand on Tonk's knee to remind her to be mindful. "He is doing what we should all be doing- getting ahead."

Tonks rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away. "Since when do you defend Snape?"

"Well we've come to an agreement and settled our differences."

"I'd say they're almost friends," Lucia threw in teasingly.

Shaking her head, Tonks refused to believe that. "That's likely," she replied sarcastically.

"Why do you say that," Remus asked bemused.

"As far as I know, Snape doesn't do friends." Tonks could honestly laugh at the very idea. "He's always been the type to keep to himself." She caught Lucia's amused expression out of the corner of her eye and corrected herself. "But I'm glad he hasn't shut himself out from having a romantic life."

Tonks was extremely thankful that at that moment, the two teams flew out onto the pitch. She was saved from having to deal with Lucia's scrutiny for now. She was quite protective over Snape, which was expected. A lot of people had less than positive opinions about him. The last thing she wanted to do was pretend to not have her own issues with him, especially not to his girlfriend. So Tonks excitedly stood with the rest of the faculty to cheer. She could feel Lucia's gaze linger on her but elected to ignore it.

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