Chapter 18

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Guys! I actually sat down and wrote out the entire chapter outlines for both stories 😳 what the heck right? The second half of this chapter will put us right in time with my other story too.

What do you think that means? 😉


Listen: dream catcher by Alexander Desplat

18| freeing & trapping

Signing paperwork had never been so taxing yet exciting to Lucia. She was finally going to end her joke of a marriage. Signing the last line, she leaned back in her chair with a sigh. Sitting there for a few moments with her eyes closed in relief, she felt light and free.

Even with her husband-now ex husband-fighting her on everything, it was all finalized. He had made it his mission to make the whole process as difficult for her as possible. Because of that, getting to this final step was delayed multiple times which lead to nothing but headaches. It only encouraged her to fight back just as hard whenever he pulled something.

Sighing again, Lucia pushed herself forward and put all the documents back in order. She needed to bring it in later in the week to meet with Kane and their advisors. Then they could move on and put the whole ordeal behind them. That was the hope anyways.

As she was putting the documents into an envelope, there was a knock on her door. She looked at the time, realizing it was late in the afternoon. "Come in," she said after a few seconds. She was pleased to see it was Severus.

He came into her office in a huff. He had a scowl plastered on his face and seemed uneasy. Lucia watched him wearily, worried about why he was in such a bad mood. He stopped in front of her desk and studied the envelope. However, he chose not to say anything about it.

Lucia hesitated before asking him, "is something wrong?"

"Other than the disturbing news Minerva has shared with me, nothing."

Lucia raised an eyebrow even more concerned. "What did she share with you? It obviously bothered you enough to come here."

"You will understand why when I tell you." He huffed before taking a seat in her armchair. Pressing his fingers against his temples, he tried to calm himself enough to speak. "Please sit. This is a difficult topic."

Lucia stared at him deeply worried. Whatever he was about to tell her isn't good. She went over to him and sat down to listen. She could feel the sense of dread coming over her.

"After I nearly ran into Minerva on her way to her office, she allowed me to see the letter she received. It was an order for her to attend a trial, as per her duty as headmistress."

Lucia crossed her arms and leaned forward on her knees. She was confused about why Minerva would have to attend a trial. "Who's trial? I thought they were questioning those accused of Death Eater activity."

"They are, yes. However, from what I understood is they are taking a break to do this particular one." He anxiously tapped his finger against the armrest. Taking a breath, he continued. "The trial is for Tom Riddle." When Lucia only replied with a confused look, he elaborated, "the dark lord who we believed had just been defeated."

She took a sharp breath in surprise as her eyes widened from disbelief. "How is that possible?"

Severus shrugged, "it sounds like as much of a mystery to them. Minerva did not say much on the manner other than the dark lord being alive and seventeen again."

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