Chapter 3

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The next morning Severus woke up to a dim room and the sound of rain. When he looked at the clock, he saw it was still rather early. It was only five thirty, the time he normally woke up at before it became too difficult to sleep. He slowly got up, the dreary atmosphere causing disinterest in facing the day, and pulled the blankets up the bed. Walking carefully towards the window, Severus spotted the two used wine glasses on Lucia's desk. Today he would get an explanation, no more putting it off.

Sighing, Severus then pulled the curtains away from the window all the way to look out. He found that the window faced the vast land where the remains of the quidditch pitch stood. It was gray and misty out at the early morning hour, but nothing compared to the weather from the last few months. The rain was only a light drizzle at the moment, producing a light and soothing sound. To some, they would find this sound to be depressing and omniscient of a dull day ahead. Severus, on the other hand, is not like most people and found the sound to be enjoyable. It was still early anyways.

Deciding he spent enough time at the window and needed rest, he made his way to the bookcases behind Lucia's desk. There were an assortment of genres it seemed but they weren't organized in a specific order. Scanning the row in front of him, he found one that sounded like it would be worth reading among some he has already read. He then made his way to the area in front of the fire, deciding to sit in the chair for more comfort.

The book appeared to be a mystery novel of some sort and quite long as well. It didn't take more than the first page for Severus to become engrossed and lose focus on his surroundings. It was always easy for him to lose himself in his reading and ignore anything else around him. He managed to get a quarter way through the book when Lucia had awoken and made her way to her office. He didn't hear her open the door or stop in front of him.

She tried clearing her throat but to no avail so she tried saying, "Severus." That seemed to break him out of his trance and he snapped his head up to look at Lucia, "How long have you been awake?"

"Since around five thirty. What time is it now?"

Lucia raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Almost seven. Early riser?"

"Yes, I normally wake up at that time." Had he really been reading for nearly two hours "Though it has been awhile since I have gotten more than a few hours of sleep."

"Oh I suppose. Well then good morning, I unfortunately don't wake up that early." She found it unbelievable for anyone to voluntarily wake up that early. "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee will do."

Lucia nodded, "so you are a coffee person as well in the mornings I take."

"On most mornings that is what I prefer." He has expected her to be more of a tea person in the mornings. "You as well?"

"Yes, I can't usually get through the day without at least one cup. I, unfortunately, do not have the ability to function without it." With that Lucia went to make the coffee, leaving Severus to continue reading. She caught a glimpse of the cover of what he was reading and had to commend his choice. The one he chose was interesting and captivating and overall a good read. At least, she hoped he finds the book to be good as it is on her list of favorites and it would be fun to engage Severus in a discussion on the details of the story.

She wondered if he drinks his coffee black or adds anything to it. He didn't add anything extra to his tea the other day so perhaps this would be the same. Severus didn't seem like one to add things that are deemed unnecessary to simple drinks, he preferred plain. Of course she doesn't really blame him for that since some things are better left as they are. Lucia prefers to add a little cream to her coffee, just to lighten it up a bit as she does with her tea, and depending on the strength of either she might add a tiny bit of sugar as well.

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