Chapter 4

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Who came to the door??

4| resolving

"Hello, Severus."

"Minerva." Severus' face was a blank mask, but he couldn't hide the hesitance in his cold voice as well as usual. Seeing Minerva again after their last altercation left Severus with the feeling of apprehension.

He hadn't expected her to jump in front of Potter when he drew his wand and he certainly didn't plan on dueling with her. The only good part of that situation was taking out the Carrows and getting them away from the students. He couldn't bring himself to shoot an offensive spell towards Minerva, not after what he's been through with her. He was closer to her than he was to any of his other colleagues and he held great respect for her. However, he knew her opinion of him had drastically changed.

She believed he had tricked all of them and planned to kill off Dumbledore, as per his orders. It didn't make any of it easier. He once had the respect of the woman now standing a few feet from him, but that was gone now. Would she give him the chance to explain? He could only hope to possibly receive her forgiveness one day.

"I see you are doing well." There was no contempt in her voice when she spoke, but she held a stern expression on her face. She was here for a specific reason, not just a social call.

"Yes. I am much improved now, thanks to Lucia."

"She has told me about her personal task to heal you. Apparently, Albus set that up with her some time ago," Minerva trailed off with a slight scowl.

"It was a curious story I will admit. I can not say I am surprised that he had arranged something like that without anyone's knowledge." Severus wasn't sure where this conversation was going. Minerva seemed calm around him compared to how she should be. "Why are you here might I ask?"

"Harry had told me something quite interesting a few days ago, once I had the chance to speak with him after dealing with a..sensitive issue." She didn't elaborate, which peaked Severus' interest. "Then Lucia had come to visit me this morning to tell me this story of how she found you and you were hidden here."

So that was the business Lucia had to take care of this morning, informing Minerva of his predicament. He knew Lucia would have to bring this to Minerva's attention sooner rather than later, considering her new role as headmistress. He didn't, however, expect Lucia to decide to involve Minerva without speaking to him first. Severus had no choice but to explain himself now, whether or not he was prepared to do so. He might as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

Lucia could see Severus was thrown off by Minerva's sudden awareness to his survival. She should have talked to him first, but this needed to be done. "Why don't you sit down and I can make us some tea Minerva. Then we'll get down to business."

"Oh that sounds lovely dear." Minerva sat on the chair placed across from the one Severus was occupying. She gave a tight lipped smile to Lucia silently thanking her. "We have a lot to discuss so I would like to begin a soon as possible."

"Of course, just one minute." Lucia walked out to go get their tea since she still hasn't made use of the house elves-the ones left that is.

Minerva was brought back to her previous stare match with Severus. Neither of them wanted to speak nor did they know where to even begin. There were so many questions that needed to be answered, even after Harry's explanation. She only hoped Severus won't make things more difficult than they had to be, knowing how he could be at times. She might not know the full story yet, but after hearing some of it, she felt bad for being so harsh towards Severus. Not to say he didn't deserve it to a degree, he did not earn so much hatred. In the end, he had really been on their side the whole time and Minerva had to remember that.

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