Chapter 41

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Hello again friends! I must say things are winding down for this story, but we still have some time (and minor drama) yet. So let's get on with it, shall we?

Listen: It Was Always You Helen (piano version)

41| preserving

It was only a matter of time before Severus lost his patience and kept true to the promise he made. Well it was one he made to himself, but he intended to keep it all the same. And to be fair he did warn Riddle about slipping up. Now seemed as good a time as any to act. He knew Lucia would have them working on a research assignment that day, and what would be more fun than to humiliate him in front of his classmates. Perhaps he could manage to get Riddle to expose himself as well.

So that afternoon, during the exact time he knew Riddle was in Lucia's class, Severus showed up. He calmly walked in after knocking and getting the consent to enter. Lucia had been standing at her podium marking while the students were all focused on their work. She perked up when she saw him.

Correcting her expression upon glancing at the students, Lucia gave him a tentative smile. "Professor Snape, what can I do for you?"

Severus ignored the looks he was getting from a few students as he passed by them. "I apologize for interrupting," he stated as he stopped just at the step leading up to where she stood. "I came to request a particular rune book for a very sensitive potion."

"Oh," Lucia said simply in surprise. "A book only I would have," she asked a little more confused.

"Well you are the ancient runes professor."

Lucia blinked at his bluntness. She quickly glanced over the room, catching a few wandering eyes. "I would need to run to my personal chambers to get the one I have for potions-related runes."

"I can wait," Severus stated. "And I will insure your class focuses on their assignments."

"I expect all of you to be on your best behavior while I'm gone," Lucia addressed the students before leaving the room. She was entirely too confused to argue further.

After Lucia left, Severus turned and paced around the room. He had caught Riddle looking at him with distain at one point, which would only make his plan easier. Once he reached the front of the classroom again, Riddle sent another glare at him. Severus had to repress a smirk knowing he had him where he wanted.

"Mister Riddle, I am surprised to see you in good spirits."

Riddle paused his writing and slowly looked up. "Pardon me sir?"

Severus hummed. "Considering your detentions with Mister Carsen, I would think you would be less alert."

"I think I can manage, sir."

Severus caught the challenging tone to Riddle's voice. "Is that so," he asked.

Riddle didn't respond other than stare back blankly. But there was a glint of annoyance in his eyes that Severus reveled in. Ava Merin's slightly offended expression, on the other hand, was throwing him off. She was usually a quiet bystander, but Riddle's abrasiveness had started to rub off on her. And if he didn't play his cards right she could ruin this whole ploy.

"Liam and I are fine attending your detentions," Tom finally responded briskly.


Riddle held Severus's gaze determinedly. A few of the students who watched their exchange began to get uncomfortable. "Is there a reason why you ask, professor?"

Severus clenched his jaw at the condescending way Riddle said his title. "I care for the well being of all the students in my house," he stated monotonously.

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