Chapter 6

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I couldn't resist putting this gif on here, it made me laugh way too hard!
(It no longer works, so I removed it 😔)

6| adapting

It was the next day and Severus found himself struggling to maintain his past routine. He woke up at the same time as usual, but he was finding it difficult to organize and go through his office rather than just spend the morning reading. Unfortunately, he did have some work to do. He made himself eat, as per his promise to Lucia, and enjoyed some coffee before he started anything.The papers on his desk had been sorted through, read, and replied to; the rest of the day would be spent in his personal stores and making an ingredients order.

He would take care of his classroom another day when he felt the need to do so. Walking past his desk, Severus noticed a letter laying on the floor in front of the fireplace, most likely from Minerva. He picked up the letter and opened it, confirming his suspicion of the sender. The letter read:


I am very glad you have agreed to return as Potions Master for this coming school semester.

Lucia has informed me that you are back in your own chambers and no longer in need of a care taker. It is relieving that you seem to have healed quickly, well on your way to complete recovery. I do not expect you to be back at your full efficiency quite yet and wish you luck with all of your class preparations.

I would also like to mention that due to another situation, Kingsley will be unavailable to speak with you about what Harry has told him regarding your position in the war. However, he plans to make a trip to Hogwarts on Thursday afternoon and he will meet with you then.

Best of wishes,


Ah yes, he was expecting a meeting with Kingsley soon as he is now the Minister of Magic. No matter what Potter might have explained, Severus was still responsible for the death of the order's leader and therefore put him in the bad graces of the other order members. Even if they all knew the truth and understood why he did what he did, he would not gain their forgiveness. At least not for a long time.

Severus balled up the letter and tossed it into the fireplace, no longer needing it. He wondered if perhaps Minerva was even all that thrilled he healed so well, but he supposed it didn't really matter. He would be continuing as a Hogwarts professor for the foreseeable future, already deciding that potions is where he should stay. Only this time he wouldn't be running off every night to fulfill some dangerous or ridiculous task. It also seems he will have someone that would force him to take care of himself when he forgets to. The difference being Lucia's lack of fear for Severus, something he found quite refreshing.

He wondered if there was anything that could drive the woman away, but perhaps there isn't.
Even though nothing specific was mentioned, he could tell Lucia is far from naive. There was also the matter of why she would have an issue returning to her home; she obviously came from a home life that was far better than his own. Perhaps he can convince her to explain.

Leaving his personal chambers, Severus made his way to his office and classroom. He gathered spare parchment, a quill, and a pot of ink before going down the hall to his stores. Once the last ward was released from the door, he unbolted it and entered the small room closing the door securely behind him. Sorting through all of the ingredients is a daunting task in and of itself, but organizing it all as well would take him hours to complete. Thankfully he had the time to do it. Deciding to start at the top, Severus adjusted the ladder to the spot that would give him the best vantage point for the shelves that will be done first.

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