Part 8

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"Blue wake up it's time for camp."
"Daddy I don't feel good." she whined.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm not a doctor daddy."
I went over to feel her head, "Well you don't have a fever. Where does it hurt?"
"All over."
"Let me call your doctor."
"Nooooo. I want mommy."
"Your mom is at work."
"I want my mommy." she cried.
I left her room and went to get some Children's Tylenol. "Here take this."
She continued to cry as she took the medicine. I rubbed her back as she layed down and she eventually fell asleep.
"Dada food." Kyle said walking in.
"Okay, let's go get you some breakfast."
"She doesn't feel good buddy."
"No feel good?"
"Nope. So we have to let her rest."
I sat him in his high chair and went to make him some oatmeal. I turned on Paw Patrol and turned his chair towards the tv. My phone started ringing.
"Are they ready?" Kelly asked.
"Blue doesn't feel good."
"... What's wrong with her?"
"I don't know. She doesn't have a fever but I gave her some medicine and now she's sleep."
"Should I call Bey?"
"I got this."
"Yeah but she's a professional in this area."
"She's fine. She'll be back at camp tomorrow."
"Okay, fine. I'm coming to check on my niece when I get off work. If she's still not feeling good, call Bey."
"Kelly I can take care of my child."
"Whatever. Kiss the babies for me."
I sat Kyle's food in front of him and then went to grab my laptop from my office. When I came back, I didn't see him. How the hell he get out the chair?
"Ky!" I said loud but not too loud so I wouldn't wake Blue. "Ky where you at man?"
"Boo!" he started giggling. I turned and this kid is coming out the kitchen.

"How you get out the chair man?" I said picking him up

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"How you get out the chair man?" I said picking him up.
"More food."
"I was coming right back." I cut up some apples and gave them to him in a bowl. We went in the living room while he watched tv and played with his toys. I sat on the couch and got some work done.

A few hours have passed and Blue is still not feeling good. I woke her up to give her some more medicine and she was still crying for Bey. I looked at the time and she should be off work by now.
"Bye, you ladies have a nice night. Hello?"
"Who's this?"
"You there?"
"Yeah just shocked you called."
"Blue's been wanting to see you."
"Well did you explain to her I was at work and that I would see her this weekend at her meet?"
"Yeah but she was still wanting you even after I gave her the medicine. I th-"
"Woah, back up. Why is she taking medicine?"
"She woke up not feeling good."
She started laughing. What's so funny? "She played you boo."
"Today is Monday. Their Monday practices are the worst. She just didn't want to go."
"Nah, you should have seen her this morning."
"Did you check her temperature?"
"She wasn't warm. She was cold actually."
"Cold? It's summer time."
"I know the season."
"I'm coming over." Click.
Not even twenty minutes later she was at the door.
"Bey you didn't have to come all the way here."
She waved me off, "Where is she?"
"Mama? Mama!" Ky said running towards her.
"Hey baby! How you been?"
"Blue no feel good." he said pouting.
"Really? Did you help take care of her?"
He nodded his head, "Yes, but she cry a lot mama."
"Well let's go see how she feels now. I'm assuming she's in her room?" she said looking towards me.
"Yeah." I followed behind her as we walked towards her room. When we got up there she wasn't there.
"Where is she?"
"She was sleep in here. That's where I left her."
"When was the last time you checked on her?"
"About an hour ago."
"She should still be in this house then."
"I'll check the bedrooms up here. You can check downstairs."
I'm trying to keep calm. She couldn't have left the house. I would have heard the door open or seen her.
"I can't find her!" I heard Bey yell.
"She's not upstairs anywhere either."
"Shawn where is our daughter?" she asked in a panicked tone.
"I- she's in this house I know that."
"Well where the hell is she?!"
"I don't know. Maybe she's playing hide and seek."
"With who? Ky is with us. You just said she was sleep an hour ago."
"Imaginary friends. Hell I don't know."
"How the hell do you lose a sick child?!"
"Aye calm down. I know you're worried. But she's got to be in this house."
"But where? She's not in any of the guest rooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, play room or garage."
"She wasn't upstairs in any of the bedrooms or bathrooms either."
"Dammit. Where could she be?"
"Look, give me Ky. You're shaking, do you need something to drink?"
"No, I'm fine."
"You're not. Come on." We walked in the kitchen and I poured her a glass of water.
We heard *Front door* signaling us that the door was open.
"What the hell?" We got up and ran to the door and nobody was there.
"Look I'll go check outside, if she left then she couldn't have gone far." I placed Ky on the ground. I ran outside and looked around for maybe half an hour then my phone rang.
"Comeback to the house now." I ran back to the house.
"Where you at?"
"My office!" I ran back and she was standing in the door way.
"Did y- what?"

"I swear I checked every room and she wasn't in here when I looked

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"I swear I checked every room and she wasn't in here when I looked." she cried.
"I know, I know. But how?"
"There was a note on her back." she paused. "It said your daughter looks just as beautiful as a rose."
I swear my heart sank, "What does that mean?"
"I can't be sure. This hasn't happened before."
Blue began to stir in her sleep and woke up rubbing her eyes.
"I'm here baby." she said going to the couch.
"Mommy!" she said hugging her. "I'm so glad you're here."
"Blue, baby you're burning up."
"I feel cold."
"Come on we need to go see TT."
"But I don't want to."
"Do you want to feel better or not?"
"Yes but-"
"No buts. Let's go."
"Her office is closed."
"I'm going to make a house visit."
"I'll grab the keys."

We drove to Manhattan where Dr. Henson lives and she opened the door right away.
"Come in. Now what's the problem?"
"She said she's cold but she's burning up." I said.
"Lay her down on my couch. I'm going to get my things."
"Mommy, I'm tired."
"TT is going to examine you to see what's wrong."
"Then we can go home?"
"Yeah baby."
Dr. Henson came back in and ran a few tests on her. In all it took about a few hours to get all the results back. Blue tested positive for adderall, she ended up having the negative side effects. My child doesn't have ADD, and I know me nor Bey gave anyone permission to give her that stuff. It was a small amount but still, how did she get it in her system. She gave us a list of things to do to make her feel better and then we left.
"Uhm, it's kind of late. You want me to stop and get food?"
"I can't eat right now." she said.
I nodded and kept driving to my house. I got out and carried Blue while Bey carried Kyle because they both fell asleep. I put her in her bed and then she fluttered her eyes open.
"Where's mommy?"
"I'm right here."
"Can you sleep with me tonight?"
She looked at me and I nodded. "Of course I can."
"Thank you." she said smiling.
"You going to sleep in those clothes?"
"I don't have any other options right now."
"Come on, you can borrow a shirt and some boxers."
She followed me to my, our old, bedroom. I dug in the drawers and handed her some clothes. "Thank you for this."
"No problem. I don't think she would have slept through the night without you here." she nodded and then turned to leave. "Bey we should-"
"Not tonight. I just want to hold and comfort her."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night, and Shawn?"
"Keep an eye on Kyle. I don't want the same thing that happened to her to happen to him."
"You have my word."
"Well your word is shit right now to me."
She snapped around so fast, "Blue is laying in her bed having a bad reaction to a drug. A drug that was given to her while in your care."
"You really blaming me for this?"
She sighed, "No but it did happen on your watch."
"Nah man. Fuck out of here with that shit! I wouldn't harm our daughter!"
"I'm not saying you did!"
"Then what the hell are you saying?" I said through clenched teeth.
"Pay attention to them." she blurted out. "I know you didn't give her the drugs but someone did. It could have been avoided if you-"
"If I what?!"
"Weren't so caught up with being angry with me!" my face softened. "You've been so focused on that that you weren't paying attention to her and somebody was able to slip her some drugs."
"Bey I-"
She put her hand up, "I don't want to go there tonight. I'm here for Blue and Ky, if he needs me. Things will go back to the way they were as soon as she's better." She walked out leaving me there speechless.

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SN: Some of y'all rude as hell on here🙄

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