"What do you plan then?" Ready to help, he asks as he places both of his hands on the desk and his eyes trail the document.

"It's probable that if they accept to aid us, we have to split our clan into two. The amount of our people is great and to send them to just one village will bring trouble not only to their village but to us as well. I also plan to take teams with me, they need our help at the battle field." His green eyes narrowed rather serious.

"You cannot be serious, your people need you alive." He explains as he makes fists obviously displeased by your decision.

"What good of a leader am I if I don't do anything about it? We need to get rid of the threat before it's too late. I plan for you to take the kids first, try to get as many of them to safety as possible. Just take care of yourself so think about not overworking yourself." A warning tone is used as you tell him.

His shoulders slumped knowing too well that trying to convince you of doing something else is a lost cause."I know. I'll tell Yun so that he can inform everyone." There's worry on his eyes, but there's nothing that can do to help you other than to support you. Letting out air, he retreats into a straight pose, watches you for a moment and then leaves.Once he's gone, you take a deep breath.

You'll just have to wait until you receive a reply. But for the time being, you'll prepare for the journey. However if either leader's are unable to help you, you're not sure what will befall upon your people. What could you possibly to to help them? You can fight for them, protect them until you run out of energy and then you can't do anything. If they had been able to fight then that's another story. For now, you'll just need to be patient and wait. It won't be an easy task to just sit tight and wait for an answer, but that's all you can do at the moment.

Eventually after a week, you get both replies. It's fast how they received and sent back a reply in such a short time. As soon as you received a good response, you made sure to get to it as soon as possible. Everyone was ready, they had their things packed and they had accepted that the decision you made was the best.

As planned, Itachi and Sasuke would lead the people to the villages while Goro, and you stayed. However, from Kabuto's serious expression, he might stay back as well.

"Why don't you go, I'll stay with him." Sasuke offered glaring at the male standing right behind you.

"There's no need, I'll stay as well." Kabuto walks forward with a serious expression.

Of course someone had to make things harder than they already were. Restraining yourself from rolling your yes, you shook your head."We'll catch up to you all in no time, go. Just be careful." Sasuke's eyes hardened even more as they trailed from your face to the gray haired male, who left to gather the group of kids that would travel with Goro. "Sasuke, I'll be fine. We'll see each other soon." Placing your hands on his shoulder, you pushed him a bit to gt him to leave. With a glare directed to Kabuto, he left. Your people waved as they left, they shared smiles but as their eyes lingered on their homes, you knew that it was no easy task to leave. 

"It fits you."Kabuto's voice brings out of your thoughts.Raising an eyebrow, you wait for him to elaborate more.He looks to the kids as Goro begins to transport the first group. "Being a leader."

"No, if I were, I would have done something instead of sending my people somewhere else."  A good leader would have done so much more.

"You've done more than anyone can ever think of." He paused and looked around. "Look around and see what you've done."

You've done things, that's certain but you could still have done more. Shaking your head, you glance at the kids. Quite honestly, you don't want to discus more about it. There's only five groups, and there would have been more if they hadn't been taken. Just as you are about to change your sight, the dark locks of Goro appear.

Shocked to rush to greet him as if you hadn't seen him in days. "Don't overdo it." Once more you warned Goro.

He straighten up offering a proud smile. But as he thinks, that same smile disappears. "You've been really busy, during that time I was able to develop it. Now it's shorter." It took him only four hours, how the hell did he do it?

But he's right, time is precious and you've spent it trying to make the village much more secure. During that time, you only had bits to actually spend it with the guys. You wish that you could be there for them, but as a leader you're drained from having any personal life. Or at least at the moment, there's so much to do and so little time. Looking down at the ground in shame, you smile sadly. "I'm sorry."

That look on your face doesn't suit you at all, and his heart aches just watching you in such a state."Don't worry, I understand." But quite honestly, it would have been better to show you how happy he had been. Oh, when he practiced all he ever thought of was of how  much he would be able to help you.

"Gaara said that they would gather with the rest of the civilians, once there, the groups will be divided. For now, they'll keep them safe. Now," he smiles, "let's finish this, shall we?"

With a nod, you return the smile. Hopefully your people will be kept safe, that's all that you care about.

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