Chapter 27- going into town

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We all line up outside the bus stop and wait for the next bus into Chester. Nobody seems to say anything, making me cringe. It seems that Finn's friends aren't as talkative as I thought they would be, I thought Finn would make friends with Jonny and joe and the popular guys, but no, Finn made friends with the exact opposite, apart from Liam, of course, who seems to be the only good looking boy here.

"Hello, Molly" Kay says when we get on the bus, as he sits next to me at the back. Finn is next to Liam. This is so awkward it's unbelievable. Bernard is staring at me the whole way, especially after he threw his cake at an old man by accident when he was trying to show off by throwing it in the bin. Instead it hit the old man and he got cake all over his 'army uniform'. The old man had to go home, cursing at Bernard, while I sniggered behind him. He's so stupid it's funny, and I've only known him about half an hour as well.

"Hi erm... Is it Kay?" I say and Kay nods. Good job I got that right then. Kay seems to talk a lot, while Bernard and Liam keep pretty quiet. Bernard has really really blue eyes, it seems. I only know this because he is constantly staring at me, so much that it's making me freak out a little bit. Why can't Finn have normal friends like mine. Well, my friends aren't normal, but still, at least they talk and have fun!

"Which shops do you like, Kay?" I ask the small boy with a loud voice and he goes through a load of shops I have never heard of.

"They're a load of shops from back in my home town, china" he explains and I nod. Maybe that explains why he has such a strong Chinese accent. He seems nice though, however big his mouth is. He never shuts up! Soon he is telling me what colour his swimming trunks are. Believe me, I have no idea how we got onto this subject!


"Where are we going first?" Kay asks everyone as we step off the bus and onto the grey, old pavement. The boys all look at me and I shrug my shoulders. Why do they look to me to go shopping. I mean, I know I'm a girl and all but come on, I'm just as clueless as the rest of them as to where to go first.

"Let's go erm... Macdonalds? I don't know, someone else choose!" I plead, suggesting that Liam choose the shop. Unsurprisingly, he chooses the one shop I absolutely hate- sports direct! Trudging over to the other side of town in silence, the rain starts to fall, soaking me from head to foot. Slowly, the rain begins to turn into hail, hurting my arms and legs and causing painful blisters to form. I roll my eyes and continue to move onwards, straight into my most hated shop.

A spotty, antisocial teenager is sat at the desk, looking about as happy as if he was about to be hit by a truck. I mean, if you don't like the job, just quit. They should really employ better people, you know. Maybe then they would get more customers.

Liam, Finn and kay are choosing which trainer they would choose if they could have any while Bernard seems to be more interested in the big poster of the lady is a sports kit on the wall. He looks at me and then back at her, staring at each for about five seconds. This is getting creepy now. I hope he's not thinking what I think he's thinking...


After fifteen painful minutes in that dreadful shop, I finally drag them out. The hardest is Bernard, who I now owe a burger from Macdonalds for removing him from the shop. Kay wants to go to the Chinese takeaway for lunch but Finn doesn't really like currys and stuff, so we decided against the idea, much to Kay's disappointment. Instead, we're now going to get some Milly's cookies, then we're going to Macdonalds so I can buy Bernard that burger he wanted. As if he hasn't got enough weight on his already!

We stroll over to the grovenor shopping centre right by the grovenor hotel, which is really posh. I think it's five stars! We go inside and walk slowly up the walkway, trying to navigate through the hundreds of people shuffling the other way. Conveniently, milly's cookies is right at the top of the centre, making us have to walk the whole way up, which takes a while as it's so busy. I almost lose the boys at one point, but, thankfully, I see Finn's brown hair through the crowd and scurry towards them, relieved that I didn't get lost.

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