Chapter 24- its not the potion...

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Finn's POV

"Finn..." the tired sound of molly's voice rings through my ears and I slowly begin to wake up. She is bent over me, a happy look in her eyes. I bet she's mad that I'm in her bed.

"where have you been?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes, dragging the covers off me.

"none of your business! and more importantly... Where the hell have you been?!" she asks. Good question, actually. I'll have to make something up... I fumble around with my fingers, trying to figure something out while Molly looks at me, her eyebrows raised.

"well... I went out" I start and Molly frowns at me.

"where did you go? I was worried!" Molly asks me and I sit up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. The window is still wide open and the light is on. Blink rapidly while trying to come up with an explanation.

"well, as I said... I went through the village and I got a bit lost and then I came back" sort of telling the truth... Basically the truth but not the truth. Same thing really...

"oh..." suddenly molly's phone starts to vibrate and she picks it up.

"hi, Emily" she says and I suddenly freeze. Not Emily... I don't know if Emily likes me enough to not snitch on me...

"what did you want to tell me?" Molly asks Emily. This is frustrating as I can only hear molly's part of the conversation. I can hear Emily talking and I feel my fingers begin to clench up, tightly. My breathing becomes more rapid. Molly instantly puts the phone down after saying goodbye and turns to me, worry and anger displayed in those Hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry, Molly. I didn't mean to climb up there! I wasn't thinking!" I begin and Molly looks up, thinking what the hell I could be talking about. Doesn't she know? Isn't that what Emily told her?

"what the hell are you talking about? Emily told me that Josie has been texting her about something... And apparently she's texted you something!" she says angrily and I peer at her. Thank god that Emily didn't snitch on me, although molly's mad now that Josie has texted me. Actually, I haven't used my phone at all, really. I take it out of my pocket and look at the messages. There is one from Josie. I open it and see what she's said.

"come on, Molly! All she said was hi!" I say in an agitated voice. Molly raises her eyebrows and peers over my shoulder, looking at the messages.

"and two kisses!" she adds, folding her arms and turning away from me. Why would she act like this if she likes my brother? Although she said she liked me, she refused to kiss me earlier...

"anyway, why does it matter to you, Molly? I thought you liked Harry cause you refused my kiss earlier!" I press and Molly pouts.

"I don't care... I just don't want you texting my best friend" she states and I laugh. Her best friend? More like, my best friend.

"it sounds like you do care to me and, on the bus, Josie said I was her best friend so you can shut your mouth!" I fight and Molly stands up, pointing to the door. I shake my head, staying exactly in the same position that I was before. Some girl isn't going to tell me to move... Even if it is her bed. I push away that thought...

"OUT!!" she shouts and I pull the covers over me again. Molly pulls them off me and falls onto the ground as I let go. She gets up, sitting down on the bed and trying to drag me off. However, this time I let go and fall right on top of Molly so our faces are almost touching. If I was going to kiss her at all I would probably go for now. I am about to go for it when Molly pushes me away and I bang my head on her chest of draws, blood spurts out from the fresh wound. How could a girl do that to me? Getting back at Molly, I run into her and she backs into the wall, slightly knocking her head but not as much as I did. She comes forward, wiping the blood from her lip as I laugh. This is like one of those movie fights where they're all serious and stuff. Instinctively, I grab one of Molly's cushions off the end of her bed and she grabs her pillow. We both exchange glances. We all know what's coming next... We both charge into each other at such a pace that I end up on the floor, Molly bent over me, slamming the pillow against my head. Using my feet, I kick her off and reverse the action, making it so it's now me that is whacking her with my cushion. Molly is laughing so much that I am able to take her cushion and then hit her with both, only letting her stand up again when she starts shouting for me to stop.

Impossible love- a harry styles fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat