Chapter 4- hiding

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The weekend gives me lots of time to think of what I did and, to be honest, I can't help but feel terribly guilty. At one point I nearly tell my mum but, thankfully, someone knocks on the door and it's lain aside. I wonder what she'd say if she knew?? I can only wonder and thank god that hasn't happened yet. Saturday I spend in my room, listening to music and dwelling on the previous day. Sunday, however, is spent going climbing with my half brother, who I 21. He's called nathan. I recognise someone while I'm there, I don't know who it is, though, because they have a baseball cap on and I can't see their face properly. I see a wave from them as well but I don't wave back. I just turn around and look the other way. That is until they come up to me.

"you must be Molly" says the man. I know his face from somewhere but I don't know. Maybe he just reminds me of someone. "I'll be your climbing instructor today" he adds. For a minute there I thought he actually knew me. I push all those thoughts back and focus on the climbing. I read his name label.

Freddie S.

S.... He reminds me of someone so badly and I want to tell him but I know I probably don't know him so it might be weird.

"my names Tom" he smiles. His smile is very cute and my brain works on overtime trying to think who he reminds me of.

"hey, mol, like my style?" cries my brother from over the other side of the wall. He pulls a funny face and I laugh, sticking my tounge back at him. I love having an older brother. Wait, style? Styles! Freddie reminds me of Harry!

"erm, excuse me, Molly. Watch me a second while I show you what to do" I quickly turn back around to face Freddie and he smiles at me, pulling the rope towards me and placing it in my hands. I grip on it tightly as it threatens to slip out of my hands.

"you put it through here" he adds, turning around to see me gazing off into space, my rope dragging on the floor. He rolls his eyes and taps me on the shoulder, grabbing my attention. I say sorry and do as he does, putting the rope through my caribeana and completing this complicated knot thing.

I walk towards the wall and Freddie tells me to climb. My feet instantly feel for the footholds and my hands grapple on the stone. I manage to fall over within the first few seconds which is an achievement, a very stupid one. I blush and get up off the floor, brushing myself down and starting again.

After like 10 attempts I finally manage to get half way up the wall. Suddenly I look down and realise how high I am. Freddie tells me to keep going but I feel my feet slipping. I try to hold onto something with my hands but fail, leaving me dangling by only a rope. Freddie almost falls over and I cringe. Am I really that heavy? Well, Freddie is quite small so I guess I am almost the same height as him anyway. Plus he's quite scrawny. He calls another, more muscly man over to help and he lowers me down with ease. Freddie has an embarrassed expression on his face and does a half smile as I unhook myself. I roll my eyes and smile at him too, my hands searching for my pockets.

As I walk back to my car, I look back to Freddie, who seems to be helping another woman go up the wall. I smile to myself and Nathan spots me.

"you seem to like that Tom guy eh?" he jokes, nudging my arm. I laugh and sigh. If only he knew about mr styles. I could tell him, but then he might tell someone or say something bad about me or mr styles and I don't want that. Instead, I keep my mouth shut. The best option, as always. I keep quiet the rest of the way home, which takes two hours because we came a long way out of town. After about an hour, we stop at a nearby macdonalds and grab a drive thru. I have a chicken wrap and Nathan has a big mac. My dad gets a double bacon cheeseburger.

I don't remember the rest.

I wake up Monday morning, happy as always. That is, until I remember what I did to Lydia. Fridays events come flooding back. Am I bear school today after what I did to my friend? Even if she had given mr styles my number like that, why would I threaten to put a compass in her face?! I can't actually believe I was going to do that! Is this what I have turned into?! I throw my face in my hands, trying to erase Fridays happenings. As long as my mum doesn't find out about this I'm okay. I'm almost certain she'll send me back to upton, my old school. Thank god there's only one more week left of school and I can have a weeks break from all the drama. I just have to keep I quiet and hold it all in until Friday, then I don't have to worry. My mum shouts from the kitchen and I am forced to get up out of my world and face what's in front of me.

Impossible love- a harry styles fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora