Chapter 20- love potion

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Finn's POV

I walk through the door with Molly following behind me. She disappears straight off to her room, without even saying hello to her mum. Haz seems to be home already.

"hiya, Finn" Hazza says, ruffling my brown hair. He's holding a bunch of folders in his hands, one of them says '9y chemistry' which I think is molly's form.

"hey, haz" I tell him. "do you teach Molly for chemistry?" i ask him and he nods a small frown forming on his face.

"hep did you know that?" he asks me, slightly concerned. Has something happened that I don't know about? he slowly goes into the kitchen, saying hello to sonia, molly's mum.

"you're molly's teacher aren't you, Harry. It's funny that were so close to one of my daughter's teachers" she gives my brother a big smile and tells him to help himself from the array of snacks in the cupboard. She finally notices me behind haz and tells me to do the same. I grab a cereal bar from the cupboard and bite into it.

"can you go and check on Molly, Finn?" haz whispers in my ear and I nod. Why is he so obsessed with her. Maybe it's because he's her teacher, or because of something that happened at Christmas. It's probably none of those things but my mind can't help but wonder...

I stumble into molly's room and find that she isn't there. There are, however, a few bottles and pipettes and other accessories around and about. I suddenly realise how thirsty I am and my eyes drift towards the pink liquid in the glass on the table. She won't notice if I take one sip of her juice, will she? Looking around, I quickly take a sip of the liquid. It tastes of strawberries.

Suddenly I begin to feel sleepy. I spot a label in the corner but my vision has become blurry. I read the label carefully:

Love potion

I grab on the edge of the table as the room begins to spin. My drink falls out of my hand and onto the floor, splashing all over her nice, White rug. Suddenly, I see a figure in the doorway and my vision focuses again. Molly is standing in the doorway and I suddenly feel my stomach lurch. Oh no! I didn't drink juice! I drank molly's science experiment! A love potion.

Molly comes over to me, seeing the smashed glass on the floor. Suddenly her eyes grow wide with terror and she backs away. Silence fills the room and she stays still as I stand up.

"Molly I-" I feel a sudden tingle inside and I become nervous all of a sudden. My face goes bright red. "I'm so sorry! I thought it was juice! I felt all woozy and the drink spilt all over your rug!" I manage but Molly doesn't respond. She looks scared.

"Finn? You don't feel... Weird at all, do you? I've got more bottles and I can clean the rug, it's just... That's my love potion, you now?" she explains and I nod slowly, realising that's probably why I feel so weird. "does it work?"

"I don't know" I tell her the truth. Maybe it's just side effects or something. I hope it doesn't work at all but if it does then...

"you don't like me yet do you Finn? I want this to work... But not on you" she says and I feel my heart sink. Why is this happening? The questions circle around my head. I know exactly why this is happening, I just don't what to admit it to myself...


Molly's POV

"Molly I-" i come into the room to find Finn sprawled over the floor, his hand gripping the table desperately. The bottle from the side is smashed on the carpet. A surge of terror runs down my spine and I step backwards, away from the distraught Finn on the floor. "I'm so sorry! I thought it was juice! I felt all woozy and the drink spilt all over your rug!" He manages to say and I frown. I can't have Finn in love with me! I've already got Niall and Harry on my tail... Not Finn as well!

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