Chapter 41- back in time

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Harry's POV

Monday 11th november

My stomach is bursting with butterflies as I wake up on the morning of my new job as a teacher at a new school. I hop out of bed with a smile on my face as I am doing this job as a student teacher, so I get a year to have a little go I guess of filling in for the other chemistry teacher, mrs holt while she goes on maternity leave.

I wouldn't have been giving this opportunity if it wasn't for the fact that I used to know one of the biology teachers here. She's the one that got me the job here, even though I'm only 18. She's called Laura briggs and she used to babysit me when I was tiny. I never liked her much, she always thought me as a bit if a troublemaker, however, after my traumatic past, she looked past my behaviour. After all, she was really close with my dad before he passed away.

I straighten up my tie in the mirror and comb my hair, letting it fall across my eyes in deep curls. I huff, setting it straight with some hairspray. I've found it sometimes helps keep it out, but sometimes it just makes it sticky.

I check my watch: 7:30am

I really need to get going! Otherwise I'll be late! It takes at least an hour to get all the way across to the Wirral! I clamber into my car and turn on the gas. Soon I am out of the driveway and one my way up to my new job.


I'm nearly here now and the butterflies are raving furiously in my stomach, threatening to lash out any moment and kill me. I'm excited and incredibly nervous as I pull into the school- a big red brick building with a few flowers and pretty trees. There is a huge field at the front of it.

I hastily get out of my car. It's 8:30am so I have around twenty minutes to see where I'm going first. Grabbing my briefcase out of the boot and slamming it shut, I call in at reception and the lady at the desk buzzes me in.

I go to the desk and the lady gives me directions to the staff room- just along the corridor. I thank her and pick up my leather bag, heading off down the long, white corridor with a few pictures down it. I notice there are no students down this passage. I wonder why?

I knock on the staff room door and a small lady with Jet black hair and a bright yellow pencil skirt answers the door. I look down at her, as I am quite tall and tower over almost everybody.

"Hello, who are you?" She asks me in a squeaky voice and I clear my throat.

"I am Harry styles- I'm here for the new job?" I imply and the lady smiles at me, stepping aside so I can get through.

"You'd better come in then, Harry" she says and I come in slowly, making sure that the door shuts quietly behind me. There are about ten different people in sort of a circle around a coffee table, each one holding some sort of hot beverage in their hands. I scan the room for Laura until I spot her, legs crossed on the couch next to a dark haired man with blue eyes. I catch her glance and she stops convosation, coming over to me.

"Hello, Harry!" She smiles, raising her eyebrows. "It's been a long time since I saw you last! You've grown so much!" I roll my eyes. Embarrassing much?

Giving out a small chuckle, Laura grabs another teacher from off of another chair. This man is bald and is wearing a white shirt and black trousers, relatively smart. I, however, am wearing blazer, bow tie and all- I feel incredibly overdressed!

"This is mr alport" Laura tells me, patting the man on the shoulder. "He's the only other male teacher in the science department. He's a nice guy and I'm sure he'll help get you up and running! Ask him or me if you need anything!" And with that she turns around and engages in another conversation with the woman who showed me in earlier.

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