Chapter 28- finn's question

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Molly's POV

We get onto the bus really quickly. I am shoved on by Finn, who seems so excited that he could burst. I hope he hasn't got any funny ideas... He sits across from me, a gleam of light flickering behind those green eyes. They're the greenest I've ever seen them be. He must be thinking of something to do... I mean, I thought I made him upset by talking with Liam. Well, that obviously didn't work... Maybe he's hyper, maybe he's made a new friend, met a 'fit girl' I don't know. All I know is that he's acting extremely strange, stranger that I can even remember....

We get home quickly and his friends mums are called to come and pick them up. I, personally, think it's a bit rude, throwing your friends out of your house, well, my house. They weren't even asked or anything. I plod into the kitchen and look around, finding a note it seems that Harry has left.

'Ive just gone out to the cinema with some friends

I won't be back til late so you can make yourselves tea

Maybe grab a sandwich

Don't go out of the house! Especially you, Molly! I don't want you getting hurt!

Same to my brother. Finn, look after Molly

I don't want any mess when I get back

If there is any, you're tidying It up!

Have a goodnight!



Ps: don't get up to any mischief! ( Finn, I know what you're like!! )'

I put down the letter and look across to the work surface. On there are two loaves of bread, some ham and some cheese. I gaze at the cheese, my favourite food. Just now, Finn comes in and I hand him the letter. He doesn't even read it, but just rolls his eyes, tearing it up and shoving it roughly into the bin.

"That's nice" I say In a Sarcastic tone and he laughs at me. I wish things weren't so awkward between us. I wish they were like the way they are with Finn and Josie. They always seem to be laughing and talking, making me upset.

"What do you wanna do on this Saturday night?" I ask him, looking out of the window at the blackness. It's only eight o clock but I'm not going to bed early, not on a Saturday! Finn still stares at me, flicking his fringe out of his eyes.

"Watch a movie, maybe?" He asks me and I nod.

"A movie sounds good" I smile and he grins. "You can choose"

Instantly, Finn runs off to choose a movie. I don't care which one it is, just as long as it's good. I've watched most of them before so it's okay. I don't get scared by them now I'm older. When I was younger I would, but now I'm thirteen, I'm okay. Finn comes back with one movie. The only one I haven't watched yet. The scariest horror movie of all time: the shadow girl. It's an 18 certificate and my mum has never let me watch it, however, my mum isn't here, nobody's here apart from Finn and he wants to watch it, so it's okay.

"Are you sure you want to watch that?" I ask him "it's an 18" I say and he nods his head, his eyes wide. I hope he likes horror movies!

Finn puts the DVD into the tv and sits back on the sofa. Hesitantly, I sit down, not really wanting to watch this scary movie but excited at the same time to see how scary it is. I've always loved horror movies, but this one seems strangely more terrifying than any of the others. My mum has even told me it's too scary to watch. Staring at the tv, I sit down and breathe in and out slowly, while Finn stares at me, a little smirk on his face.

"Scared eh?" He asks me, nudging my arm. I shake my head.

"No I was just well, okay, so I am a bit scared. I bet you are though, however much you try to hide it" I chuckles but Finn keeps a straight face and looks slightly offended for some reason.

"Me?! Scared?! No way!" He laughs, pressing the play button on the remote. It goes onto a series of adverts, which I see him roll his eyes and fast forward through them, onto the main menu. Finn presses play and grins at me, a smirk laying on his lips. I scowl. I wouldn't be so scared if my mum wasn't so troubled about me watching it. However, I don't want to look like a goody goody so I stay as I am, sitting on the other side of the sofa from Finn.

The film starts and I can feel my body go stiff. I am quite scared to be honest, even If I do admit that to myself. The landscape is grey and black and white and the sky is cloudy and rainy. A girl appears on the side. Instantly, I don't want to watch anymore. I end up grabbing onto the end of the couch whenever I get scared.

Suddenly, the girl jumps out from somewhere and I am not near the end of the couch anymore, so I find myself grappling onto something else. Or someone else... That someone is Finn. Finn has also got his arms around me. I don't bother letting go. I don't even bother to realise what I am doing. I am just too scared. We're only fifteen minutes through but I already know I'm going to have nightmares tonight. I never have nightmares either, so this should be interesting.

We're now half an hour through and me and Finn are still sitting right up close, our arms around each other. It's good to finally have someone to hold onto when I'm watching these movies. Someone whose not my mum. Someone who's a boy. Finn. I watch Finn as his eyes grow wide at the screen and he scrunches them closed again when a scary bit comes. Even if I have my eyes closed and ears blocked, I still know when Finn is scared because his grip on me tightens. Sometimes a lot and sometimes, just a little bit. But I know he's scared.

It gets near the end of the film and I am so close to Finn that I am almost on his lap. All this blanks from my head though. I am too engrossed in the end of the film that I don't see what any normal person would see. I see the scary girl in the horror movie. Any other person would see me and Finn.

Suddenly, the girl flashes onto the screen and me and Finn both scream, latching onto each other again, our faces almost touching. The tv goes black and it becomes dark in the room. However, i can still see Finn's face from the moonlight streaming in through the window. The light shines into his green eyes, lighting them up in the most extraordinary way.

I don't even know what is happening, but as soon as our lips touch, I know we are meant to be. Finn turns off the tv, his mouth still attached to mine, his finger twirling my hair.

Finn leans over and I feel myself falling off the sofa, only seconds later to crash onto the floor. Finn joins me, finding me again in the darkness. He laughs into my mouth as he bends over me, his hair lightly touching my face.

"You're so funny, Molly" he breathes into my mouth, his finger running over my cheek. He bites my lip and I screw my eyes shut, wanting to savour the amazing moment. I don't ever feel like stopping right now. I hope Finn feels the same way. Answering my question, Finn stops for a second, gazing into my eyes, the moonlight falling onto his face and shining off it. I get back onto the sofa again, making Finn roll his eyes as he has to move again. I lean in the kiss him again, but he stops me.

"Molly, I have something to ask you" he whispers, our faces only inches apart. I nod frantically, wanting to get the words out so I can kiss him again. I don't want to waste time before Harry gets back.

"Will you go to the disco with me?" He asks quietly and I think for a moment. There is nothing stopping me. Without thinking, I say yes, just as the headlights in Harry's car can be seen outside. Finn gives me a little peck on the cheek and smiles, his eyes shining. I quickly turn the tv on again to hide the darkness so it doesn't look like we've been doing what we have been.

As soon as I see Harry step through the door, A terrible mass of guilt develops in my stomach and I look down, thinking of what I've just done. I can't kiss Finn, not after all we've been through. Harry looks at me, and then Finn. However, all I can think about is what we just did, what if Harry came a bit earlier?! Maybe we would have still been kissing! I can't let this go on any longer! It's unfair on Harry. I just said yes to Finn's invitation though. I know that if I say I can't come now, though. I know it'll break his heart! I can't do that!

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