Chapter 29- days before the disco

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I wake up in my bed, all the events of last night flooding back into my head. I groan, holding my hand up t my temple. I have a terrible headache and my throat feels sore. I try to recall what happened last night. I remember that me and Finn kissed, but the rest is blurry, a distant memory that I can't manage to gain access to.

"Molly?" A small whisper can be heard and I turn to the lounge door. I see Harry's head poking out, his hair is messy from sleep but his eyes are inquisitive. I nod and he comes and sits next to me. "Would you like eggy bread for breakfast?" He asks and my eyes grow wide, a smile spreading across my face at the words.

"Of course!" I exclaim, licking my lips. Eggy bread is my favourite food in the world and I haven't had it for quite a long time. Harry seems quite happy. I wonder who he went out with last night? Just as Harry is about to leave, I tug at his shirt and he turns around.

"Who did you go out with last night?" I ask, kind of hoping that it wasn't a girl. I know I'm a hypocrite, but it would really be nice if I knew at least that he still liked me.

"Don't worry, it wasn't a girl, just some teachers from school" he reassures me and my stomach fills with guilt. "You know I would never go out with anyone else, Molly. Especially after all we've been through" he winks at me and I look down, trying to contain the sadness I feel inside of me. If Finn tells Harry then he'll be heartbroken!

"Yeah..." I sigh and sit back on to the bed. Harry leaves the room.


"So what did you get up to last night?" Harry asks the obvious question as we all sit around the table in the kitchen. Me and Finn exchange glances and I raise my eyebrows, lighting shaking my head at Finn to signal that I don't want him telling Harry what we did. Finn seems to understand and bites his lip before nodding his head slowly. Harry tilts his head, looking at the clock for a second and then back to us.

"Well, erm we watched a movie" Finn hesitates and Harry gestures for more on the topic.

"Yes... What kind of film?" He says slowly and Finn looks at me. I didn't tell him we weren't allowed to watch it. Does he know that we aren't? Did Harry tell him? By the look on his face, I can tell that he thought we weren't meant to be watching it. After all, it was an 18 certificate.

"Well, we watched... Well..." I look around the room and, conveniently find a film case on the side.

"Naughty noo noo's big adventure" I but in and Finn looks confused, but then maintaining his acting face.

"Ah! Yes... Naughty noo noo's big adventure. Yes, we watched that" he lies, trying to look like he watched it. I can see his cheeks redden and he looks embarrassed even at the name of the film.

"Right...." Harry doesn't look convinced and I smile at him. "Who's idea was it to watch that?" He asks, a little bit weirded out by the sounds of things. He picks up the DVD. Me and Finn both say each other's names at the same time, but then we both say that we chose it together because we don't like scary films and there was nothing else to watch. I'd laugh if Harry hasn't guessed by now that this is all a big lie. I chuckle under my breath.

"Are you sure you watched this and not something else?" He asks for the last time and we both nod, looking at each other again for reassurance that we are still acting. He frowns, going into the lounge to out the film back. As soon as he is gone, me and Finn sigh and we both burst into laughter. I can't believe he actually fell for that! I am almost crying I am so amused by this.


Finn's POV

The next day is a Monday and I've got parents evening tonight. I've only been at caldy a week but already they're reviewing me. They're going t have to bring Harry in because our parents are dead. I feel my heart sink as I remember the last time my mum held me in her arms and told me it was okay.

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