Chapter 21- the truth

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Finn's POV

I walk out of the room and sit onto the couch. I hop my brother doesn't find out about this because I know that he'll never stop worrying. My brother gets so scared whenever Anything happens. It's probably because he was the most affected when mum died...

"Finn are you okay?!" haz asks, concerned. As If he doesn't have enough to deal with? I still feel sorry for Molly though, who is starting to dart through my mind. I'm beginning to think that this potion really does work and I'm not just kidding myself.

"Molly... Have you got any more? I haven't used it all have I?" I ask, seeing molly's face. My face goes bright red. I try to hide it but it comes through all the same... Even though I can't see it, I know it's there because I can feel it.

"it's okay, Finn" she says to me and I manage a smile. "I have loads more... And even if I didn't, it wouldn't matter, as long as you're okay. It probably won't work anyway" I give her a sad, small smile. I know that it's already working and I have to tell her that. I need to do it soon as well, before it takes full affect and I don't remember taking anything.

Molly walks off back to her room, but Harry stays at my side all the time. I knew he'd be like this if he found out, thats why I didn't want him to worry. He stays with me all night. He says he'll stay up the whole time but, after a while, I hear him snoring. I end up falling to sleep too, quite unwillingly, as I want to stay awake incase something weird happens during the night.


"Molly?" I shout the only name I can remember. My mind has completely cleared everything that has ever happened apart form molly's face. I shout again. Remembering what happened just moments ago. Molly had died. Why am I even screaming for her If she's dead?! I think I'm just coming to terms with the fact that she passed away on the floor just a few minutes ago.

"Finn? Are you alright?!" I think I must be dreaming. I block my ears, hoping to get away from the sound of Molly. It must be a ghost... She can't possibly be real...

"you! You died! You're not here, Molly. I'm dreaming!" I call out into the dark. I cant see anything because it's so dark, which

Is why I must be dreaming. The voice seems so realistic though... I don't want to have the pain of listening to the deceased Molly... Who I think I actually loved... I hear some clashing in the other room and the sound of glass. Suddenly, I feel water splash onto my face and my memory begins to clear. I remember the potion and what I just thought in what must have been a very real and very bad dream. I gulp down the water and Molly turns the light on. I see her light hair flicked over her face. It's messy, but perfect as usual.

"Molly?" I ask her but she tells me to be quiet. However, I don't care if she wants me to talk or not. I'm telling her what I need to tell her. "no, Molly. I think... Well, maybe the potion works?" I gulp and she backs away, turning off the light. I don't see her for a few seconds but I hear the door shut and another light switch turn off. Oh no...


"Finn, are you still alive?" I hear my brother's voice over my head and my eyes flicker open. There is a shaft of light coming through the lines and right into my eyes. Haz hugs me. How could he think I was dead?! "come on, bro, let's get ready for school" bro? Why the hell did he call me that? I get up, anyhow, and walk slowly to the kitchen, realising I am still wearing my school uniform from yesterday. I must have fallen asleep in it. I sit down at the kitchen table, where Molly is waiting. I feel a surge of excitement go through my body. Oh yeah, I forgot, that potion is making me fancy Molly, a thing I didn't originally want to do. She looks at me, tiredly and I can tell it's because I woke her up.

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