Chapter 36- finding harry

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Molly's POV

It's Been a week since the disco and Harry hasn't been in. I've asked Finn where on earth he could be and Freddie says he hasn't been at home since then. It's Wednesday today and Harry's been missing ever since he went out after dropping off Finn and I at my house. He drove off and left us there, obviously thought something was up.


"That's it!!! I'm going after him!" Finn finally shouts in anger, kicking the table hard with his foot and then wincing in pain. He's really worried about his brother, I can tell, and has called him again and again but he never picks up. All he has done is pace up and down the kitchen by the window of our house all day and has been off school since Friday.

Freddie is still away at uni and obviously Harry has gone somewhere with the car so there is no way Finn can go back To his house In Holmes chapel so Mum insisted he stay here. I, however, have been worried sick about Harry and just can't place why he went off like that. Does he hate us?

I have called him a million times at least and nearly passed out when the police finally stated he couldn't be found. Where on earth he actually is is beyond me.


I'm in bed, staring at the wall, that is as blank as my life has been since Harry left. It's well past midnight and Finn is snoring peacefully on the floor while I lay here in a chasm of emptiness and upset. My heart feels like it's about to rip out of my chest.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and I start. Hope starts building up in me as I reach over to it, driven by the slight possibility that it could be Harry's name popping up on the screen. However, it is not his, but Finn's name popping up and I frown, my mood sinking again. Wait, but Finn's asleep??

I shrug and read the text message.

Hey Molly, it's Harry. Sorry I've been gone for about a week but I had to get myself together a bit. I hope you weren't too worried. I'm in the graveyard outside if you want to talk... If your still awake that is. I'll explain everything there xxx

My heart flips at the words. Harry is okay! I almost squeal in excitement as I hop out of bed and over to the dodgy window, that squeaks loudly when I open it. Looking around, I cautiously open the window and climb out: one leg, then the other, onto the cold, concrete slab of our driveway.

I take a few steps out and realise that I forgot to out any shoes on. Great thinking, Molly! I roll my eyes and shrug it off. It'll only be for a second, I tell myself. I can do this.

However, it's not as easy as I thought it would be. There are thorns and nettles all over the floor and I swear my feet will fall off if they touch another nettle. I wince and cry out in pain as another spike gets stuck in my foot. I look down. I can't really see anything in the dark but I can just about make out the blood trickling from the wound.

Groaning, I shake my foot off, only to find my hand caught on a branch.

Suddenly I feel myself being picked up and hauled off of the ground and I give out a little yelp, only to be silenced by a big hand covering my mouth. I really hope this isn't a pedo. Either that or Harry. I hope it's the second one, especially as we're in a graveyard right now, which is even more creepy than usual, not that I regularly get picked up by guys, but you know what I mean.

"Get off of my face!" I try to shout but Harry's hand muffles my protests. I writhe and wriggle and kick but he doesn't budge, keeping me held in his arms. I hear a faint chuckle come from his lips and I can tell it is Harry.

"Okay okay, drama queen, we don't want your mummy knowing we're out here!" He teases, putting me back on the floor. I brush myself off and scowl at him, remembering now that I'm still in pyjamas and bare feet. The floor is freezing!

"We're have you been?" I fold my arms, turning to my serious side again. "Don't you know how worried we have been lately?!"

"I needed to sort myself out okay. I got really pissed about that dan thing okay? I needed to cool off. I don't think you would have liked to be there when I destroyed everything, which luckily I managed to find an abandoned shed in a field in Holmes chapel to do that, so it's okay. I've been there ever since" he explains and I roll my eyes.

"What?" He asks, his eyes wide.

"Nothing!" He is overreacting.

"I've only been gone a week, you mustn't have missed me that much?" He persuades, but I shake my head.

"Harry, your brother has been on a sickie since Friday" I say solemly, turning my back to him and sighing. He doesn't respond.

"Well, I'll sort this out in the morning then, better get to bed. Don't want my Mum finding out do I now?" I say sarcastically, strutting away. However, before I can go, Harry grabs my waist and pulls me around so our faces are almost touching.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Molly" he looks down, obviously sad by the way he looks at me. "Will this make it up?"

Without warning, Harry kisses me softly before I pull away.

"I really need to go" I tell him, pushing him away and he nods, his hands returning to his pockets. I take one last look and run back to my window, seeing Harry against the house, his eyes glistens in the moonlight. I smile. He gives me a wink and is gone.

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