Chapter 39- the bridge

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Molly's pov:

Its around eight o'clock now. I've been crying for about two hours and my face is wet and clammy. I am still in shock about Finn telling Harry, although I guess it wasn't really his fault cause I never told him why he couldn't. I feel so incredibly guilty! What the hell is Harry going to think about me, what that I'm this little slut that he happened to fall in love with who cheated on him?! The thought makes me sick.

It's all my fault anyway I should never of gotten close to Finn. If it wasn't for him ever coming to this school... Or even turning nice to me at Christmas, then we wouldn't be in this mess. I guess in a way it's my fault that Finn's room is trashed. Urrgh I feel so bad now! My head is throbbing uncontrollably and I can't help but think that this is all over. Me and Harry. Us. Whatever us was.

Suddenly my mum opens the door and I quickly wipe away my tears, blowing my nose.

"Molly this is for you it might be an early birthday card" my mum calls and I groan.

"Are you alright Molly? Have you been.... Crying?" She comes and sits next to me on the bed, giving me a tight hug. I try to blink back the tears but they just keep in coming.

"I'm fine, honestly" I choke. Lying is a thing I'm good at. I've always been good at the artsy dramary kinda side. However, this time my skills are not good enough because my mum can already tell something is wrong. Come on, Ive been crying on my bed for the past two hours!

"Molly, what's wrong? You can tell me, I'm your mum!" She sympathises, rubbing my arm. I lean on her shoulder, looking out if the window ahead.

"I seriously can't" I sigh, my eyes drifting towards the floor and then back at her. If she knew about me sort of dating Harry then all hell would break loose. Yeah, I better make something up.

"Molly, I won't be mad, promise..." I raise my eyebrows. "Okay if you murdered someone I would be pretty mad but I'm sure you haven't done anything that bad right?" I give out a small laugh to make her feel better, well, like she's helping me but I feel the opposite. I decide to just make something up so she won't question it.

"Well, it's Finn okay, he's been cheating on me... With erm-" it takes me a minute to think of someone but the perfect person comes to mind. "Josie!" And I break into a million tears, as I remember how I felt when Finn sat next to Josie all the time.

"Oh, Molly! Boys are such idiots, aren't they?" She looks at me, squeezing me tight. "I'll give Finn a right old talking to when he next comes round!" She laughs, which I really don't appreciate. It's great I go blaming my mess on everyone else.

"Yeah..." I say quite unconvincingly as I look away again.

"Just try not to think about it" she smiles, getting up from my bed and brushing herself down. "Do you want a hot chocolate to cheer you up?" She asks and I nod, forcing a small smile. She gives me the thumbs up and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. Tears start to fall again as soon as she leaves. Why do I lie to people?

I put my hand down next to me and realise that letter is there that my mum gave me. Without looking forward to anything that might be in there, I open it. It's probably just an early birthday card from my great aunt or Barbra and Tessa and all them. In that case I shouldn't be opening it but I don't care. I tear it open and find a skull on the front. Okay? That's a bit of a weird thing to have on the front. I'm starting to think that this card doesn't have good intentions as I look inside the black card. Inside the handwriting is messy and almost illegible as I struggle to read it. I bet it's from Arthur looking at the state of his writing. I roll my eyes and manage to make out the first word, 'say'. Then I look at the whole sentence.

Impossible love- a harry styles fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora