Chapter 18- free again!

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I hop down the stairs at a fast pace, excited to see everyone again. I bounce down the stairs and straight into finn, who, without warning, catches me and gives me a warm hug.

"Molly! You're well again! I didn't know you were even gonna walk again... And here you are!" he breaks away and stares at me, his green eyes wide. For a moment there I think he looks just like Harry... Then I remember that they're brothers...

"I know... Me either" I exclaim, noticing Harry standing awkwardly behind me. I turn around and Finn gives his big brother a hug. He honestly looks like a mini version of Harry and it's quite funny.

"I haven't seen you in ages either! What have you been doing?" Finn laughs, winking at his brother. Harry rolls his eyes and then looks at me. I let out a small giggle and Finn raises his eyebrows. "I was only joking!" he chuckles, seeing the horrified look on Harrys face. We all walk down the stairs together, me and Finn linking arms for some reason that I don't understand. 

"Molly!" Ciara comes in, hugging me. Her blonde hair is messily laid all over her shoulders. She smiles sweetly at Finn, who laughs, taking his girlfriend by the hand and running off. Surprisingly, Finn didn't get angry when Ciara came and hugged me, although he did leave pretty fast... It's friday today which mean I've only got 5 days left including today.  Me and Harry proceed to the dining room and I sit in my new place next to harry. I look at my empty space and sigh... Then my eyes move to niall's. Somehow I kinda miss that adorable smile he had, and how we would talk... I miss having a friend, a friend who was a boy and was older than me... I guess, like Finn said, he wasn't as much of an angel as he seemed to be...

"molly! You're better!" maddie's croaky voice fills my ears and I turn around to face the old woman, who is leaning over my chair, poking at my hair. I wish old women wouldn't do that... It's really uncomfortable and leaves your hair in a complete mess! "do you want to come out for a skate?" she asks me, feeling my arm. I look up at her, thinking about what I should do?

"yeah sure" I smile and she beams at me. Slowly, I get out of my seat and we edge over to the froth door, leaving Harry, who doesn't seem to follow, much to my disappointment. We go out onto the lake, and Maddie tells me about her childhood. I couldn't are less to be honest. However, I don't want to be rude so I pretend to listen intently, asking the odd question so it seems like Im actually listening. We skate around a few times, before I see Harry come out. When I look over in the corner, I swear I see a blonde head popping up behind the wall. It could only be him... Niall. When he sees me looking at him, his head snaps back behind the wall and cathy seems to emerge from the same place as the blonde head popped up from. It could of been her but it was definitely Niall... I can tell.

I see cathy go over to Harry and whisper something in his ear. Harry nods and glares at her for a second. She smirks and struts over here to me. I just stare at her angrily as she chuckles evilly, her blonde hair waving behind her.

"sorry Molly!" suddenly, a cold, wet object hits the back of my neck and send me stumbling forward. I turn around to see Adam with Finn behind him. Adam's yellow eyes seem concerned as he asks me if I'm okay. I laugh and tell them I'm fine.

"are you sure you're fine, mol" a deep voice says and I stare at Finn. His voice has got really deep. He doesn't seem to think anything's wrong but It's obvious his voice has broken.

"Finn? Has your voice..." I point to him and he looks down, biting his lip.

"erm... Yeah" he shrugs and I nod slowly. I guess people change...


Afterwards, Adam leads me over to a corner by the wall. He makes sure nobody can see before talking to me.

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