Chapter 7- breaking

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"erm, hello?" a familiar voice fills my ears. It can only be...

"who is this?" I ask just to make sure it actually is who I think it is?

"erm, well, you already know who this is you have my number" he states, trying not to say his name.

"no I don't, I deleted it"


"because youre my teacher" I think we already know who this is.

"yeah but still"

"students can't be friends with teachers"

"yeah they can"

"no they can't"

"why did you ring me then?"

"cause you rung me"


"yeah so why did you ring me before"

"cause I was bored"

"haven't you deleted my number?"


"then how did you ring me then?"

"okay, okay! I didn't delete your number"

"why did you ring me then? Don't you have other friends?"


"why don't you hang with them then?"

"cause I don't want to"

"you must have friends more interesting than me, I mean I'm like 5 years younger than you!"


"so... You should 'hang' with people your own age"

"that's right! I knew I shouldn't of called you. I should've known this would happen"



I end the call and put my phone down. That boy is so strange... Why would he call me if he has other friends? The thought plays in my mind, hammers my head. I lay back down on my bed. My mind taking over my body. I lay here for half an hour, sleep deciding to desert me. It's only 10pm anyway.

Soon my conscious gets the better of me. I grab my phone and call Harry again. Just as i thought... Straight onto voicemail. I call him again but the same thing happens. Why did I just call him again? What if he thinks I'm weird or something? I push the thought away and lie down again. This time sleep comes; quickly too.


"come on Molly, were going to Liverpool today" my mums sweet, gentle voice sings in my ears and my eyes flicker open.

"mum?" I whisper, my hands flailing around me. She's leaning over me, her blondey-brown hair tickling my cheeks. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and trudges out of my room and into the kitchen to make breakfast. I check my phone again. Nothing. The snow is still falling thick and fast. I smile and walk over to my wardrobe, picking out random clothes. Today I think I'll just wear jeans and a t-shirt. I mean, its only Liverpool. I go into the bathroom and clean my teeth, put mascara on and go to the loo. By this time, my mum has made breakfast and is sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate. I smile at her and she gestures to my hot chocolate. I sit down, gazing into the fire, the flames hypnotising me. They flicker and dance, licking at the wood like fiery devils. I drink up my hot chocolate and my mum gives me toast. I gobble that up quickly too. I wonder why I'm so hungry?


"get into the car, Molly" my mum calls from the drive and I trudge through the snow, hopping into the passenger seat. I fasten myself in and we get going along the snowy roads. This is all actually quite pretty.

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