Chapter 17- harry and molly

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I wake up to the gentle heaving of Harrys chest as he breathes and the sun streaming through my window. It finally seems to have stopped snowing now and it's actually starting to melt. I look outside at the snowman Ciara and Alby made when I first came, over a week ago now. He is starting to shirnk now as the sun casts it's fiery rays upon him. His face is a bit disjointed and one of his arms seems to have fallen off.

"Molly?" Harrys breathing becomes less patterned and is more rough now. He coughs before sitting up, finding that my head is still on his stomach. "I need to get up" he tells me and I nod, trying to lift my head which I just about manage to do. It's thursday today, yesterday I nearly died... And now I am waking up with Harry next to me.

"what are we doing today?" I ask him as he gets up, heading towards the bathroom to get changed into his clothes. He turns around.

"for you, Molly, not a lot, as you still cant move. I will probably stay with you all day... Unless you'd prefer me not to?" he laughs and I shake my head vigorously.

"of course I want you to stay! Unless you don't want to..." I say. Harry nods.

"no! I do want to..." he says, walking off into the bathroom. After a few minutes of desolate silence, he emerges from the room, fully dressed. He is wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans. I think I've worked out that that's what he likes to wear, as he's been wearing it all week. He looks at me carefully before pulling out a book from one of my shelves. 'wuthering heights'. the book looks old and battered and I don't know why a guy like Harry would read a book like that?

"wuthering heights?" I ask him and he looks up his book, a big grin on his face.

"I told you i was weird" he laughs, turning a page in his book. Its kinda cute that he reads that kind of stuff. However, I can't stand reading so if he's going to read all day, I'm going to need some entertainment... Wheres my iPad? I spot it on my bedside table and lean over to get it. Harry sees me going for it and instantly goes over before I strain my back any more, handing the iPad to me and smiling. I look up into his happy, jade eyes.

"are you going to read all day?" I ask him, just to make sure if he does actually want to do anything that I'm not stopping him by going on the iPad.

"are you going on the iPad all day?"

"depends" I say. To be honest it actually does depend on whether or not he's going to read all day. Harry shuffles a bit in the armchair, turning down a corner of one of the pages in his book and closing it, placing it gently on his lap.

"I wont read all day... If you want to talk then we can?" Harry says, looking at me innocently, his brown hair is still falling over his face. I think he needs a haircut. I nod and he puts his book back on the shelf, asking me a question as he does so.

"do you read any books?" he asks me, looking over from where he is stretching to put the book on the high shelf. Reluctantly, I shake my head.

"only horror books" I start "but not very often" I can tell by the way Harry looks at me that he is surprised. He sits back down in his chair and eyes me slowly. I have only just remembered that I am still in my pyjamas and Harry is dressed. Oh well, I'm ill so it doesn't even matter.

"I read a lot, mainly classical books" he tells me. No wonder he was an outcast at school... He reads classical books. I guess thats adorable though and I wouldn't judge him on it. I can't imagine Harry being a nerd. He's just so... Gorgeous. Yo never get gorgeous nerds... Ever...

"what's your favourite?" I ask him, probably not knowing the names of any of the books he reads but wanting to know any way. He smiles at me, happy to know that I'm interested, I think.

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