16. Preparations

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"Now show me how you do it on your own."

I didn't have to look at him to know that he crossed arms over his chest and placed weight on his right leg. He stood in that pose very often.

I grip the wooden sword tightly in my hands. So hard I can se my fingers turning white. I am afraid that I might shiver and make a fool of myself. I am waiting a few seconds to concetrate. Why is my heart beating so hard? I am not a person who is easly overhelmed by stress, but since I remember pretty clear my so called 'first kill', maybe something changed in my attitude.

"What are you waiting for?"

Morpheus hissed, bringing me out of my world of thougts and constant overthinking. I focused and swang a sword hitting the target correctly. With effective result.

He started slowly, but loudly, clapping. I looked at him. His face was decorated with a smirk, but it still felt...emotionless. I wonder what made him be like that. Or who.

"Well done."

He simply says and grabs me once again. He showed me a few more moves. I learnt quickly, which surprised him. Well, I didn't have much choice in life but to learn quickly, did I?

"Now, let's duel."

He blurts out. I wide my eyes a bit. He surprised me. In past one hour I learnt basic moves. How can I be ready for duel? Duel with him, the master of one-handed weapons.

"Now? With you?"

I ask a bit insecure. I try to cover shivering of my voice. Morpheus frowns, looking annoyed and confused at the same time.

"No. Tomorrow, with a mudcrab in Hjaalmarch."

He snaps and pulls one of the wooden swords. He points it at me and swings. I immidiatley block. Our blades are crossed and we are still, he looks me with eyes full of challenge, amusment and...admiration?

I quickly pull away and attack him. He blocks. I noticed that he didn't even took a fighting stance. He is just standing tall, moving a few steps if he needs and turns his sword like it's a shield. After a few hits I gave him, and of course he blocked them, I stagger a bit and he uses the chance to disarm me. In a blink of an eye, my sword lied on cold tiles. Out of my hand. Out of my reach.

He just smirked and walked over to the weapon rack and took two ebony swords. They looked so beautiful. Black metal shone under the light of candles which illuminated whole Sanctuary. Prettier than silver and gold.

"Now, we can play like children and cuddle eachother with this toys. But, where's fun in that?"

He says with a smirk and tosses one of the swords towards me. I catch it without getting myself cut. I gulp a bit. I am dead.

He strikes towards me. I am thinking fast and take a fighting stance. We cross our weapons. Loud sound echoed through the hall, maybe through whole Sanctuary. He untangled our swords and striked again. But I prevented him for getting closer and almost disarmed him. He took a step or two back. I did not waste any time. I attacked him while he was still unprepared and made him stagger. But...he cheated. He used moves yet unkown to me and he managed to put me in a state he was a second ago. I tried to copy his previous moves, the new moves, but I failed. He disarmed me and I fell on the ground.

My hair was wet from sweat. He gave me a hand and helped me to stand.

"Someone is eager."

He smirked. I gave him a look oh-hell yeah-you-god-damn-cheater. He laughed, but agreed to show me more of this tehnique. I was happy to learn. I was happy to improve my self. And I was glad he was a really good teacher.

By the end of the day, I was totally exhausted. He was tired to. I could say that by his eyes that were now read. He always had a tired look, but I knew he was now tired for real. He wasn't standing tall anymore. His back were lightly bent into a barely recgonizable letter 'C'.

"That's enough for today."

He said. I pouted. Not on purpose. He laughed at me and I felt embaressed. My cheeks heated up.

"You are childish."

He said. I wasn't sure if he meant it in a good way or bad way. Maybe both. Or maybe he just said that because he wanted to. Not that he necessarely cared.

"At least I don't cheat."

I complained. He chuckled. Only now I noticed how certain wrinkles form uniquely around his eyes.

"That wasn't cheating. That was-"

He suddenly stopped and froze in place. He looked like he saw a ghost. Like he went into a completely different world.

"Morpheus? Are you all right?"

I asked him. He did not reacted. I repeated his name louder this time.


He looked at me. His gaze was now cold and sharp. He clenched his jaw lightly and looked away from me.

"Excuse me. The Night Mother calls for my aid."

I just nod. He disappears from the room and goes to the coffin which was always opened. It was disgusting in a way.

I sigh and put every weapon in it's place. I feel my muscles are tired so I just proceed towards the section where are placed all of out sleeping rooms including mine.

It was nightime currently. The only one still awake were me and Morpheus. And Babette, but she is probably outside hunting or whatever. All the 'normal' people were sleeping at this time. And all the normal people were sleeping at the time Morpheus waked me up in the morning. If four am can be called morning.

I nervously rub my eyes, knowing that I slept only five or four hours. I see two orange orbs looking at me.

"What the hell..?"

I ask, still half sleepy. But Morpheus' harsh voice wakes me up immidiatley.

"Get up, skeever. We have an important contract."

And he leaves my room. How did he even got in? I am pretty sure I locked the doors. Did he say we? What on earth is that Orc/Nord planning?

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