I sent a text to Lauren, telling her that Camila, Dinah, and I were planning on taking the next city bus from the school to the carnival and Lauren replied letting me know that her and Normani would take the one that came after as we were trying to keep up the notion to both the girls that the other would not be present at the outing.

We arrived at the carnival just shy of 5 o'clock. Camila suggesting we get food and check out the games and booths before we take on the rides.

"I want a burger," Dinah finally said as we looked around at our choices. It was the first time she had really said anything since we left the school. I looked over at her and saw that she was staring down at her phone looking at a photo of her and Normani eating burgers at the In-N-Out a few blocks from our school and I looked up at Camila for help.

"China," she said grabbing the device out of Dinah's hand. "We are trying to spend quality time with you, cell phones are off limits!"

"But Ally was on her phone earlier," Dinah protested reaching for her phone, but losing the battle when Camila stuffed it into her bag.

"And that's exactly why she is losing her phone too," Camila told her looking over at me with an extended hand. I glanced between her and Dinah and sighed, handing my phone to Camila and watching her place it in the same pouch where she was holding Dinah's phone hostage as well.

Once we had gotten our food we sat down at one of the picnic tables provided, Dinah had gotten her burger, Camila had ordered a couple slices of pizza, and I had ordered a basket of french fries. "Okay, talk to us DJ," I said watching the girl pick at her food rather than eat it. "You're a mess and it hurts me to see you so upset." Camila nodded along with me reaching for one of my fries. "Eat your own food, Mila, these bad boys are all mine."

Dinah sighed, pushing her food to the side and not making eye contact with either of us when she spoke, "I didn't know I liked girls, I mean sure I looked at other girls and thought they were hot, but until I met Mani I didn't know I could want to be with a girl." Dinah finally looked up her eyes flicking to me before settling on Camila, "You get that, I mean you know how this feels so tell me what to do," she said begging Camila for an answer to her problem.

"All I can do is tell you what you told me, if you like her and I mean really like her, isn't it worth the risk to put those feelings out there?" Camila said a smile playing on her mouth. "Lauren was worth it, she is worth it. The jump was scary, so scary that I let my head tell me she was saying no before giving her a real chance and I ran, but she looked for me and when I came back she was right there to catch me."

I looked at Camila with a wide smile, she had this light in her eyes when she spoke about Lauren and it made me happy to see her so content. I just hoped after tonight Dinah would feel that security too.

"What if Normani doesn't catch me?"

"What if she does?" Camila and I asked at the same time.


Camila POV

The way Dinah looked at Ally and I when we asked our question broke me. She looked small and more than that she looked scared and I decided a subject change was in order, we said our piece and she got out what she had needed to and it was clear there was nothing else she wanted to say about the issue. I thought back to Lauren's note and turned to Ally with a wicked grin plastered on my face.

"What?" She said her eyes wide, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

I watched Ally wiping at her face and laughed, "When are you going to tell us about your drama class boy?" I said cheekily. "When you're not with us you're with him and when you are with him you look completely smitten, but you don't talk about him."

The Stage Door (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now