Chapter 27

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Tully was busy preparing hers and Molly's bed one evening, she was struggling to do such a simple chore with one hand when Molly ran inside the room. The girl panted heavily, attempting to catch her breath. "Mommy, mommy," she ran towards Tully, "I saw Mr. Negan with Amber," she claimed, "he was kissing her and he was taking her clothes off!"

The idea of Negan kissing another woman seemed distressing for Molly. Tully would be lying if she claimed it didn't hurt her to learn that Negan was still sleeping with his other wives. However, she knew by now that he would sleep with the other wives as a way of making the other men in those women's lives jealous, especially those men who were once in a relationship with the wives. It was Negan's own way of showing off his dominance over everyone else as the leader of the Sanctuary. It irked her though because she was once again starting to think that she was special to him...especially with the way that their relationship seemed to be headed to the right direction lately.

"It's okay, honey," forcing a smile on her face, Tully assured Molly. "Amber is also Negan's wife," she explained.

Molly occupied the empty spot next to Tully on the floor. "I thought Mr. Negan loves you," she murmured, she sounded disappointed, "he wouldn't have hurt you like he did, Mom," she added, staring at what was left of Tully's left limb. "And he should only have one wife, not many."

"He's a complicated man, Molly," explained Tully.

"I don't want to live here anymore Mommy, Mr. Negan scares me," after a couple of seconds of silence, Molly announced. Clearly, she had not forgotten watching Negan hack off her mother's arm with a hatchet while Tully screamed in pain. It had been a traumatic experience for Molly. After all, throughout the months she had known Tully, she saw her adoptive mother as nothing but a strong woman who cannot be touched by pain or danger and she thought Negan wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

"It's gonna be okay, you'll be fine, as long as I'm here," assured Tully. However, while her words assured Molly, it did little to assure her. She used to say the exact same words to Carly and Jamie too and what happened to them? She got them killed. No longer wanting to talk about Negan, Tully motioned for Molly to go to sleep. "You had a pretty long day, go and rest." However, instead of following her mother's orders, Molly proceeded to help Tully with the unfinished chore.

"Don't you want to leave this place too, Mommy," asked Molly. "Did you changed your mind?"

"I'm only doing what's best for you, Molly. Please try to understand, I can't lose you," explained Tully. That was the end of their discussion about it for the night because as soon as they both got their makeshift bed ready, they went to bed. However, while Molly slept soundly in her mother's arms, Tully thought relentlessly about Molly's words until she fell asleep.


The following day, Tully paid her baby's grave a visit after breakfast. Tully was never religious. However, every morning, she would visit the grave and pray that her children were in a better place. If there was a god listening to her, she hoped that they would listen to her prayer and make sure her children were safe, wherever they were.

Tully left afterwards with the intention of finding Molly. She found herself heading inside the building, wondering where Molly was. Tully's steps slowed down when she caught sight of a group of people in the lobby on her way to the room. Instantly, her instincts told her that something was wrong. Much to her complete horror, Tully discovered what was happening as soon as she joined the crowd. There was Negan holding Lucille in his hand. Lucille, his precious baseball bat covered in barbed wire, was stained with blood and what appeared to be a pretty big chunk of flesh. On the ground, suffering from Negan's brutality was one of his thugs, heavily maimed by still very much alive. Negan continued to beat the helpless man with his bat as the crowd looked on, including Tully. A minute later and the man he'd been beating with his bat was dead.

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