Authors Notez- Recaping Shitz

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Hey guys Its Tanayia. I just wanted to let you know that I try my barest to make this story enjoyable.

No matter how long I think my 'long' chapters are, when I read them they are like five damn pages.

Like  °°_

Anyways yeah. There are some what the hell moments coming up.

Y'all needa go watch some MB freaky moments.

P.S yes Prod is and/or was my fav MB member. He posted some pic on ig saying

Btw P ain't going nowhere!  :P

I guess he means Prodigy (in the group, making mulaz type) from the group is still there and if so may be on the third album.

Keep your hopes up!!

Peace out my Dope, Trendy, Spffy, and misfit readers!

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