8- Only You

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I woke up to the smell of food. God was I hungry. I slipped on my house Uggs and then went down stairs to see Prod Shirtless, cooking what looked like pancakes. I hugged him from behind and touched his abs as he finished cooking.

"Good morning sexy" I said to him.

"What it is shauty" He said clearly amused.

"Nun. What is this you made here?" I asked sneaking a piece of bacon.

"Oh just chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs. I see you've met the bacon."

"Yes and it was de-licious."  I said. He tried to kiss me but I swerved him.

"Did you brush your teeth? I didn't so I'm going." I said to him. He looked embarrassed so I laughed my ass off.

"Only You" He muttered.

Prod P.O.V

Wow YN is a Baddie. She looked flawless by just coming down stairs.

She swerved my kiss though. Ima get her back lol. Trust me. The only thing I feel guilty about not telling her is that Crystal keeps calling me. I don't respond back though.


When I got out the shower, I got dressed. I put on my black see through tee with a sports bra, my light high waisted Jean shorts, and my Bred 11s. I put on my True Religion black jean jacket. I put my hair up in a ponytail and added some red lipstick.

I came downstairs to finish breakfast and Craig was all dressed. He had on A black tee and his Polo sweats. He wore his bred 11s also and had a black bandanna around his head with some glasses. Once again we are matching.

"When did you change?" I asked confused.

"Oh while you were showering I went home and got some clothes. My mom said she wanna see you again so I guess we can head over there."

"Copy. I wanna drive this time. My dad left the car here." I said confidently.

"Don't kill me. I mean us." Prod corrected himself.

" OMG I'm not. Stop thinking like that." I said.

"And lemme get my kiss B." he shouted.

"Fine." I kissed him and he slipped in his tounge. I then broke it.

"Save that for later." I  smirked. 

-------Le Car-------

I was driving and then some girls passed us. They were gushing over Prod and hating on me. I was tired of all the hate. Its annoying. Prod didn't mind them though. They don't pahase him.

-------Momma Wonda house-------

When we got there, everything was the same accept for the lawn. The grass was freshly cut and instead of a scraggly sight, it looked way better. We walked in to see Prod's mother cooking. When she saw me, she squealed in delight. We hugged and made conversation.

"Eh-hem." Prod said frustrated.

"What don't you see I'm trying to talk to YN here?" His mom said.

"Yea. I see. I'm hungry. What you cooking Ma." He asked.

"Oh just Fried Chicken. I'm also baking cookies. They're in the ove-." (gco)

"YN we are staying for dinner. I love you so much Ma. Did I ever tell you that?" Prod said excitedly.

"Yes Prodigy. You tell me that Every Time I cook fried chicken." His mother stated. I laughed and sat in the bar stool aside the kitchen Island.


When the food was ready,  I came out of the kitchen to see Prod playing GTA 5. His mother bought it for him. He was such a momma's boy. I had no problem with it though. As long as he loves me, Im good! Plus his stroke game was on point. I was thinking so much that I didn't even notice Him as he paused the game and stared at me.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Oh you like what you see right?" He smirked. I scoffed.

Na bruh. Oh and your mom said dinners ready." I  said to him. He ran out the media room and probably totally forgot about me. Oh well.


When Craig (dad) arrived, we greeted eachother and sat at the dinner table. Prod's mother bought out fried chicken, spaghetti, and biscuits. Man, she can cook. Almost as good as my mom. Prod kept on rubbing my thigh, signalling what he wanted later on. I just pushed him away. He seemed irritated so I decided to make conversation.

"This food is really good Mrs. Wanda." I said.

"Why thank you sweetie. Prod, how is the food?" His mom said referring to his hungry attitude. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Good mom, its good. Listen, can I sleep over at YN's house tonight?" He asked.

"Sure son. Just pack up your needs and remember, sound check tomorrow. Don't be late." His dad said.

"Ok. YN after we finish, I'll pack my clothes."

"K." was all I responded with.

After that, we all finished our food.

Fame Didn't Change Me, You Did (Prodigy/YN love story)Where stories live. Discover now