15- Whatever Floats Your Boat

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-------Le Morning-------


I woke up to a banging headache and two muscular arms around my waist. I turned to see Prod peacefully sleeping next to me. I decided to get some asprin and slip downstairs for some water.

I took the asprin and went down. I was expecting a huge mess everywhere and some body passed out on the floor, but to my surprise, there was none of that. Instead, the party plates of food and drinks were in two big garbage bags. I took the pill and drank the water. Then I sat on the couch haply only to find Prince sleeping there. Ray was on the other couch.

"Uh wha, huh?" He said lost.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." I apologised.

"Its okay. Oh and I kind of ike this position." Prince smirked. I

quickly got up and laughed.

"And Ray said he's taking everyone to Ihop today so you should get ready." He informed me.

"How do you spell it again?" I giggled.

"I- h- o- p, very funny." Prince chuckled.

"Well I'm gonna wake up everybody else. And then get ready."

"Ok." He said before I left.

I went in the guest bedroom and woke up a sleepy Roc and Tiff. Her hair looked crazy so I already know what had went down yesterday.

"Rise and shine motherfuckers!" I yelled. Roc fell out of the bed and Tiff threw a shoe at me. Payback I guess.

"YN what the?" Roc said.

"Um Ray said that he's taking us to IHop so get ready."

"How do you spell it?" Roc asked me.

"So childish." I chuckled.

"Well Roc lets get ready. YN please do my hair." Tiff said.

"Yea girl. I already know." I laughed.

I went to wake up Ray then Prod. It was the struggle to wake them up being tired myself. Now I know how my mom feels. Speaking of my mom, I decided to call her.

Phone Convo

Mom Hello?

YN Hey Ma!

Mom Oh hey sweetie. How are you?

YN I am good. Are you enjoying yourself?

Mom Yes YN. It is so fun down here!

YN Okay. By the way Craig (Prod) came back. He's here now.

Mom Oh let me speak to him.

YN Okay hold on. (Gives Prod the phone)

Prod Hi Ms. (your mom's name)

Mom well hello Caig! I missed you alot.

Prod Well I 'm here now. Me and YN are about to go to breakfast with some friends.

Mom Okay well have fun! Put YN back on the phone.

Prod No prob. (Gives YN the phone)

YN Hello?

Mom Put me on speaker

YN Okay?

Mom So tell me. Are you guys dating?

Prod/YN Psst No!

Mom Well whatever floats your boat.

YN Okay bye ma. I'll text you.

Mom Bye sweetie! Bye Craig

Prod Okay. (YN hangs up)

End Of Convo


When I hung up, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I then got dressed.

I put on a black sleeveless MB shirt that I bought a while ago. I tied on a black and red checkered long sleeve button down around my waist with my dark cuffed shorts, and my black Toms. I put my hair into a messy bun.

"Showing your support I see." Prod joked as he got ready.

"Yes. Don't I always?"

"Don't get smart. I taught you a lesson yesterday didn't I?" Prod said.

"Psht noo." I faked. He tounge kissed me and then broke it.

I went into the guest bathroom and helped Tiff straighten her hair.

She was wearing a plain white hi low shirt and ripped jeans. She had on her Luis Vutton flats as well.

When everyone was ready, we went downstairs.

"So who's driving?" Tiff asked.

"Actually we got Walter." Ray smirked. We all cheered. Water was like a dad to all of us. He was so fun and chill.

"Oh and I called Lianna and Mel. They will meet us there." Prince  added.

"Well leggo!" I shouted. We were on our way.

Fame Didn't Change Me, You Did (Prodigy/YN love story)Where stories live. Discover now