1- My Story

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Hey my name is YN. I used to have a best friend named Craig Crippen. Now it is Prodigy or Prod. Yep he became famous. I was happy however, but sad because he had to leave for four years. The first two years we contacted eachother through skype, oovoo, kik and talking on the phone. After that we just stopped. I never found out the reason. To this day I still think about him...


Craig had just gotten home from school and wanted to surprise YN with some good news. He started climbing the window to her bedroom and began singing.


I heard Craig singing outside my bedroom as I was on twitter. I jumped off my bed and opened the latch.

"Why didn't you just come in through the door," I joked.

"Cuz, I'm too good for that. No new info." He said to me.

"So what did you have to tell me anyway?" I said, curious.

"Oh yeah guess what! You will never believe it!"

"Well I cant guess if I wouldn't believe it."

"Right. Well remember the auditions I told you about last week!"

"Oh the ones for the new boy group/band?"

"Yeah, I made it!!!" Craig almost ran knocked me over by hugging me.

"OMG yay!!! I'm so proud of you. Go Craig!" I was so happy for him.

"There is Also bad news," Craig said and stopped smiling.

"What is it. It cant be that bad. I mea-" (gco)

"Um, YN? I have to leave for four years. I'm sorry." Craig said to me.

I was on the verge of tears. Craig was the best friend since birth. Never have we had to be separated for more than 4 months. Usually to visit the grandparents or cousins and others. But we would be together again after that. I knew Craig could dance and sing his ass off, but leaving me for four years! That I couldn't handle.

"YN I'm sorry. But they accepted me and the other boys. We have to headline shows and rehearse dances. Not to mention try to get our name out there. If I knew this before, I would have stood it up-" (gco)

"No, its Ok. After all, we always told eachother to ho after our dreams right? And you are. Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Really on the inside I was crushed. But this was Craig's dream not mine. I had to support him.

The rest of the day we cuddled and watched movies. Craig told me that he was leaving on Sunday. It was Friday.

The next day I helped him pack.

It was finally Sunday. Craig said hus goodbyes to his family and mines. We talked and I even shed a few tears.

"I'm gonna miss you, Craig. You were my ride or die."

"Don't worry. When I get big I'm gonna come back for you and we will be besties again." He assured me.

"Promise, that the fame will never change you. I mean it Craig. We all know how famous people get after the light have been on for too long."

"I promise. And I love you YN." Craig kissed my on my cheek. Never have we kissed anyone or eachother.

"Umm, I love y-" (gco) A car beeped its horn.

"Oh, well that's me. See ya YN." Craig said before pulling all his luggage in the trunk. I ran home and cried my eyes out. I even cut myself using Craig's razor that I look when he left. It was actually a gift that I got him for his 12th birthday. That night I cried myself to sleep.

-------End Of Flashback-------

Fame Didn't Change Me, You Did (Prodigy/YN love story)Where stories live. Discover now