Authors note part 2

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For whatever reason my chapter update was posted before the last authors note, I think it uploaded wrong so for the people who are still waiting for an update there is one...It's Chapter 21.

Now I have noticed some comments about how it's takes me a while to upload. Which I have apologized for many many times. So for the people who understand and comment on others who don't understand and setting them straight, Thank you. I notice those comments and you guys are the ones who make want to update everyday. Even though it is impossible for me to do that. You guys are truely amazing and I am glad I have all of you.

To those who don't understand, I see your comments too. I know it's unfair to you guys but it doesn't make me want to update faster when I'm getting negative feedback , ya know? All I ask is to try to be more understanding because I have a life I am trying to balance and some things are more important then fast updates. 

Anyways, positive or negative, I usually use it to motivate and make the chapters better! Just bare with me. You guys were able to get through the first book which was sloppy and this one isn't any better so I think you guys can make it through slow updates!

Also, I am very unorganized with this book and I am oftern re-reading old chapters to remember things because of the long breaks I've had. Which I apologize for. A lot of things can be screwed up in future updates so I want to say sorry in advance lol.

Again, there was an update 2 days ago, chapter 21. Next update will be out next Friday! (If I see a lot more positive comments in chapter 21 and or on this the update will be next Thursday)

See you guys then!


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