Chapter 20-Rings

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Anna's POV

I woke up in no ones arms. My body ached. Logan came home drunk and he wanted me but I didn't want him so he hurt me. And I really don't think I can walk very well right now. But sense I am not quite ready to tell anyone about me and Logans' problem and sense Caleb seems to already know I really need to get up. I sit up and pain shoots through my body but I manage to get to the bathroom and strip then I take a short hot shower.

I climb out and go to my room and I lean on the dresser. I pull out clothes that will cover up my bruises and cuts. But sense it is going to be semi warm I will need to ware a shot sleeved shirt but that's okay because I'll just ware a hoodie and not zip it up.

I put on a pair of extra tight skinny jeans so I get even more used to the throbbing in my legs,A shirt that says Love,and a pair of all black converse. I grab my baggy grey-black hoodie and once I was done getting dressed I was in tears from the pain I was feeling.

I look in the mirror and I let out a short sob. What has he done to me? Why can't he let go? His father died almost a year ago and I'm sure his father wouldn't want him beating me so hard I would cry!

A sofft rapping on my door happens and then it opens.

''Anna? Sweety? Are you up?'' My mother asks.

I look at her and I drop my hand and stand up the best I can.

''Yeah. I'm fine mom.' I whisper.

She walks over to me. ''Why are you crying Anna?'' She asks.

I turn away from her. ''You should be at work.'' I whisper coldly.

I hear her sigh then footsteps and lastly my door being closed shut.

I fall to the floor and bite my lip so I don't cry out in pain. I want rest. I want to get away. I want to get away from Logan but what if he is telling the truth? Would I not be where I am in life without him? No. The second I walked into that school boys checked me out.

I climb to my feet and let out a sigh. I can't go all day with this pain.

I make my way to the hallway and then I stop at the medican cabnet.

I pull a bottle of pills out and read the tab.


''Did you give me a ring?'' I ask puling away.

She looks confused. ''No. I'm sorry...Should I have?'' She asks panicing.

I lay a hand on her. ''No. I just got one...I thought it was you.''

She smiles at me. ''Sorry.''

I nod and the bell rings.

''I need to go.'' I sigh walking from her.

I have Caleb's class second block so I should be able to ask him if he sent me the ring.

**Second Block**

I made sure I got to his class five minutes early so I could ask him in private.

I walk into Calebs' classroom and he looks up at me once he hears the door shut.

''Did you send me a ring?'' I ask getting right to it.

He smiles and strolls over to me.

''Maybe.'' He snickers.

I chuckle and I quickly felt the pain pills waring off.

I try to hide my wince but it didn't work.

''Are you okay?'' He asks.

I look at him and smile. ''C.J.A.?'' I ask.

He smiles. ''Caleb Jacoby Alexander.'' He whispers.

I smile and I sigh.

''Caleb....I...'' I want to tell him about me and Logans problem. He already thinks he knows but does he know how bad it has really gotten? It wasn't this bad before he arrived..Did he make Logan like this?

I pull the ring out. ''Did you send me this? Yes or No.'' I huff.

He smiles. ''Yes. Did you read inside?'' He asks.

I shake my head no and then I read inside it.

It made me sorta angry. But once I looked into his soft eyes I just wanted to kiss his soft loving lips.

I smile and I try to hand it to him.

''Take it back. It looks like it coast alot.'' I say smiling.

He rolls his eyes. ''No. I bought it for you.''

''How much?'' I ask.

''Not important Anna.''

''How much?'' I ask again.

He sighs. ''Fine. But I'm not taking it back. I spent two hundred dollars on it.'' He snaps.

I sigh but slip it on my middle finger. ''It could be worse.'' I say moving toward him.

My legs give out but he catches me before I fall.

''Anna!'' He gasps.

I hit my bruised cheek and I was confused on why he didn't say anything about it.

I regain control of my legs again and I stand straigh up.

''I fell asleep.'' I mutter.

He barks a humorless laugh and then people fill in for class.

I sit down and all class my eyes where locked on the ring he gave me.

I went back to the main office at the end of the day.

''Ms.Patty?'' I ask walking in.

She looks up and this time she looks happier.

''Yes dear?'' She asks.

''Is...You know that class book I said I lost?'' I ask.

She nods.

''Can I maybe get an extra one?'' I bite biting my lip.

She smiles and looks for it and then hands me a extra one.

''Here you go Ms.Costello. Have a nice day.'' She says kindly.

I nod and walk away.

I go to Kats awaiting car and hop in.

I have the year book from when I wasn't here. I'm planning on looking for the cutest couple and I hope that Logan and his ex-girlfriend is in there.Just maybe I can ask her about something. Maybe Logans weakness? Something to relize that what he's doing to me is wrong?

a.n.-Sorry if this chapter stinks! Anyway! Hre is what Anna's ring said inside:

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Anyway! Thanks for the comments and votes! :))))) and I made up my mind! I want to make a sequel when this one is over. ;)) and that ring in the picture box is the ring Caleb gave anna.<333

Hiding Behind Lies (Student/Teacher Romance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz