Chapter 10-Sleeping In A Bathroom

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Anna's POV

I pace around the room in Logan's long night shirt. Why can't I figure out something to ware? BECAUSE! It's friggan a billion degreese today!

I walk over to my closet and ring out my hair before grabbing something baggy.

I slide on the hoodie and then I walk down stairs and into my kitchen.

Logan,Kat,Cassie,And marie are sick with the flu. How? I don't know. Jordan won't be in school today because of a hangover so i'm alone today.

I walk outside and into the steamy air.

I walk to school and once I get inside everyone looks at me.

What? Never seen a girl in a hoodie in hot weather before?

I go to my locker and then I grab my books and once the bell rings I go to my first class.

I sit in the back and close my eyes. ''No sleeping Costello!'' A voice I more then hate barks.

My eyes flutter open and I see Mr.Alexander glaring at me.

Dang. ''Sense when are you my homeroom teacher?'' I spat.

He grins an evil grin. ''Sense now.''

I shutter at his venom coated tone.

I think he noticed because his glare softens. ''No sleeping Ms.Costello.'' He says walking away.

I sit up and look at him biting my lip.

Forget about everything and runaway.

I look up and frown. Why does he care? No one else cares.

After classes and classes I finially had lunch.


It was weirdly quiet today. I sigh and I went off to the girls bathroom and it sounds gross but I fell alseep in the biggest stall.

**Caleb's POV** (Mr.Alexander)

It was lunch time and I had a free class so I went down to the classroom and I graded papers. I had alot on my mind though. What was that? No. More like who-Anna.

I sigh and then I get to Anna's paper.

I haven't read this one yet so I do read it.

My name is Annie Jones. Im in 11th grade and dating an anzaing guy named Landan. I have amazing friends but there's a problem. One teacher is getting nosy. Mr.Falexander. He thinks he can tell me who to date and what not! I love Landon and he needs to but out. Or else.

-Made by Anna Costello....<//3

I grind my teeth.

Oh? Annie? Landan? Mr.Felexander?!

I crumple the paper in my hand by accanent and storm out of the room and to the lunch room. I want to talk to that..To that...Moronic girl!

I look around the lunch room but find no Anna.

I walk up to a girl who's name is Kendra and give a weak smile at her. ''Afternoon Kendra. Have you see Anna?'' I ask.

She pouts but nods. ''Saw her walking towards the girls bathroom twenty minutes ago.''

I nod and go to the girls bthroom and once I get there I hear slight snoring.

I go inside and go in each stall (Knocking of course!)

I get to the largest one and find Anna in a tight ball asleep.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Oh course I open them once I remember seeing a larg bruise on her tummy before closing my eyes.

And once I close my eyes that's exactly what I saw.

a.n.-sorry it took so long! luv you guys that are reading ;)

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