Chapter 32-

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in like,two days. Okay! So the girl over there is Carry---->


Anna's POV

A week has past and I'm free to talk again. I did go to school,but I would skip on Mr.Alexander's class. I could tell he was pissed because Lexi would ask me why I would skip his class and if she should beat him up.

I look at my phone again. About three days ago Mr.Alexander (Yes-I refuse to call him Caleb) sent me a text saying I could come over when I was ready to talk. To talk. Talk about what? Why I don't want him telling anyone my business?

I flop my phone from both my hand and groan.

I should talk to him. But that isn't saying I will. I just got home from school almost an hour ago and I'm in my fuzzy bunny shorts and a tube top. Yeah. I want sleep to come.

I sigh and look at my torn outfit. I was running and I....fell into a thron bush. Hence why I have cuts all over my body.

I rub my thumb over a smallish gash on my wrist. I fell and a huge thorn cut me.

I sigh. That'll scar for sure.

I get up and I go to the bathroom and strip. I look at all the cuts and frown. Some are worse then others. Some arn't that bad but some are. And if I am going over to Mr.Alexander's I'll have to wash up and ware something that'll hide some. But the face? Make-up will burn to much so I'll just say I fell...Even though he probably won't believe me.

I get into the shower and after I'm all clean I get out and I go to my dressar and I pull out my outfit that I'll be waring.

I brush my hair and the snarls come out in a painful fashion.

I wince but I grab the car keys and I start to drive to Mr.Alexander's apartment.

I sigh. What a way to end a friday.

I pull up and I start to make my way up and I go inside the apartment but I quickly stop.

A women. She has wavy blonde hair and gray eyes. She sorta looks!

Mr.Alexander and the women both look at me but Mr.Alexander's face showed utter shock and the women's shower utter hate towards me. Why? Like I would know?

My heart sunk. Oh So he did move on. He isn't going to tell anyone because he doesn't care.

''Oh..'' I whisper turning to run down the stairs but a guy with raven black hair and lusting brown eyes stands in front of me.

''Hey baby.'' He purrs but then he really sees me.

''Holy fuck! Your face!'' He says in disgust.

I wanted to punch him but I know I'm weak as shit. Sorta. Anyway,It isn't that bad! Only a few gashes here and there,They won;t scar.

I glare at him.

''Let me go,asshole!'' I spat.

''Let he by Charlie.'' Mr.Alexander growls.

I look at he man,Charlie.

''I'm Caleb's friend and roomie....Who are you?'' He asks.

I was disgusted with this man. He looked like a player.

I spat in his face and I try to get past him but he grabs a fist full of my hair and jerks me to a stop.

I out in pain and I grab both side of his fist and I try to pry his fingers but they didn't budge.

''Charlie!'' Mr.Alexander roars.

God damn. Does every man want to make me feel pain? Because Logan does and now this Charlie guy takes it upon himself to grab me by my hair!

I'm pick up and I feel tears go down my cheeks.

''Caleb...Caleb...Please bring me home...Please.'' I whimper.

I burry my face in his chest and softly cry.

I feel him turn and I could imagine him glaring at someone.

''Carry,Go home. Bring Charlie with you.'' He spats.

I was starting to shake. I could feel my blisters start to bleed,well the ones on my head anyway.

He softly places me in my car and he drives us over to Lexi's house. I didn't care though. I didn't want to see Logan anyway.

Logan's ring feels like hundreds of pounds on my finger but I don't take it off. I'm to lazy and I'm still shocked that man I didn't know would do that to me.

He carries me into Lexi's apartment and he sets me on her couch. Kat and Lexi come out and I didn't give a glance their way. I was suddenly tired.

I want to go home. Home to maine. I want to forget everything. Logan's beatings,his cheatings,Kris(whom will come up later) and having these feelings I love to much for my teacher.

They all look at me but only the girls looked shocked. Caleb looked sad and angry.

I look at him and I could see the small ruby colored hearts swarm around his face.

Shit,I think to myself. I love my teacher. But I'm going to marry someone I really don't want to marry.

I looked into Kat's eyes and she frowns.

I love Kat. I do trust her. And I want to tell someone about my secret. I'm tired of lies.

''Kat...'' I murmur,''Can I talk to you? Alone?''

She nods and everyone leaves.

I was shaky about it,But I told her. I told her everything. I didn't want her to think her friend was a monster but I was so angry and sad. I needed to tell someone. Someone other then Caleb.

She hugs me. ''That bastard! I'll kill him!'' She says through tears.

I swollow hard. I did leave out one thing though. I didn't tell her I had feelings for our teacher.

She looks at the ring. ''You're not going to marry him,Are you?'' She asks.

I look down at the ring and shrug even if it hurt.

''Do I have much choice?''

''You always have a choice.'' A voice murmurs.

Me and Kat look at Caleb.

''Mr.Alexander...'' Kat says then looking at me. ''Can I?" She asks.

I nod. ''Did you already know about this?'' She asks.

He sorta nods. ''Sorta. I've known because of one of her papers. And I've noticed some bruises. But I never got her complete word on it.''

Kat sighs.

''Kat...Please don't tell anyone.'' I beg.

She nods and I nod. I slowly fell asleep but I could hear voices...

''Caleb! Look at the poor girl! She's covered in scrapes! And there's dried blood in her hair! What happended?"'

''I don't know about the scrapes. But she came over to my apartment and Charlie grabed her by the hair when she spat in his face,Lexi.''

''Damnit Caleb! You know Charlies past! Ever sense he lost his kid he's been a wreck!''

''I know Lexi! Now lets move this somepleace else. I don't want to wake her.''

Then silence....

a.n.-okay! So any messages? Please...I need to know how I'm doing >_>

She nods and I smile.

Hiding Behind Lies (Student/Teacher Romance)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum