Chapter 25-A Kiss In The Stall

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Anna's POV

After two more days in Maine we went home. I felt bad for leaving my grandpa behind. But I have to. I have school and Logan and what would Caleb think if I didn't come back? (But should I care?)

I sit against my head board and Logan lay his head on my stomach.

''Anna? Are you awake?'' Logan murmurs. I wanted to act like i'm sleeping but I fought against it.

''Yeah baby,i'm awake. Why?'' I whisper.

He sits up and gives me a sheepish smile. ''I have sorta erm..a after school detention. I forgot I had to go. Can you come with me? It's in Ms.Penny's class.

I hold back a sigh and nod. ''Let me change.''

He nods and puts on his pants.

I have a wrap around my ribs because two are broken from that fight me and Logan had. But whatever I guess. What can I really do?

I brush my hair and then I add some blue eye shadow and then I walk downstairs.

Logan chuckles at my outfit and I smile. It's better then him being angry,right?

We share a small kiss then drive to the school.

We walking inside the school and as we make our way to Ms.Penny's room we hear small moans and 'Oh!'.

I blush but we go inside.

I wanted to die. And cry. But I had no clue why.

Ms.Penny and Mr.Alexander are in a full blown make-out.

Two or three small gasps leave my lips and Logan had a unknown look on his face.

''We'll come back later!'' I say trying to drag Logan from the room. But one problem. He didn't move!

Now the two love birds gasp and quickly re-dress themselves.

Ms.Penny blushed and I wanted to cry even harder. She has a huge ass hickey on her neck!

Then I remember my last story I wrote. Telling how I wanted my teacher to move on and date Ms.Penny.

My heart then sunk. He moved on? He won't give me help I don't want,anymore? He'll just pretend he doesn't know....??

Tears threatend to spill over and Logan moved to his chair and I was stuck to the floor.

No. I won't cry in front of Logan.

''L-Logan,I have to use the bathroom!'' I cry running from the room.

Once I was safely in the bathroom stall I fall to my knees and weep like a baby.

**Caleb's POV**

My eyes never took from Anna. She seemed to be in deep thought. But then her eyes grew wet which made me sad. Why is she going to cry?

She lets out a wild breath and says,''Logan I have to use the bathroom!''

Then she runs from the room leaving three confused people.

I look at Ms.Penny and Logan. ''Guys'' I mutter,''I'll be back.''

They nod and I go after Anna. I go into the girls bathroom where I hear short,shaky sobs.

I go into the bathroom and I look down at Anna.

''Anna?'' I whisper.

She looks at me and wipes her tears. ''Why? Did you give up on me?'' She whispers.

I was taken aback. She thinks I gave up on her? That I don't care?

I sit next to her and take her in my arms.

She protest for a momet but then gives up.

''No Anna. I haven't gived up on you.'

She gives a short sob.

''But you listend to me! Your dating Ms.Penny.'' She whispers looking in my eyes.

I sigh. ''No.Me and Rosey are nothing. Just women-man needs I guess.'' I say with a chuckle.

She smiles and I notice her outfit for the first time.

Spongebob fully. I start to laugh and she pouts. ''I was in a happy mood....''

I smile and before I know what I was even doing I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips.

**Anna's POV**

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! My teacher just kissed me. But I cried for him. So are we even? And I enjoy it. So maybe it's a good thing? But i'm going to marry logan!

I kiss him back for a second before pulling away.

''You have Ms.Penny cooties...maybe later.'' I tease.

a.n.-there is going to be a second part to this chapter guys! sorry it isn't very long ;(

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