Chapter 30-Written On A Board

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Anna's POV

I didn't tell Caleb how I knew Jaylen and I didn't tell Logan that I met her.

I walk up the hill to my park and I sit on the pink swing. I don't like the pink swing but the blue swing has to much gunk on it.

I sigh and I swing softly back and forth. My wrist is heeling but for some reason Caleb still gets angry when I don't finish my  work in class. He's been angry at me sense the day at the park. And for the life of me I can't figure out why he's angry at me.

I sigh and I take my I-pod out. I smile a happy-sad smile as I remember the days where I would listen to music that didn't make me sad. Make me want to throw and break something.

I sigh but I scroll down my music but I stop as I get to the song 'Here Goes Nothing' By NeverShoutNever!

I sigh. No. I really don't want to listen to music. I turn it off and lay it on the ground. I sigh and then I stand up but pick it up. I walk home and I go to my room  to see Logan and some girl with bleach white hair and clear green eyes doing it.

This hurt. It shouldn't because I also cheated on him but it was only once. And I'm still going to marry him.....? I think,anyway. But he cheats on me?

''Logan!'' I cry putting both hands on my cheeks.

They both stop and look at me.

Logan is wide-eyed and he untangles himself from the girl and puts his boxers and pants on.

I see the girl slip her to shot leather pink skirt and tank top and sneak past me and I let her go.

''Lisa!'' Logan yells.

I was shocked. Did he really just call her name to stop her? But I shouldn't care. For 1)He abuses me and 2)he is cheating again.

I didn't know what came over me but I slap him as hard as I can and I run like a bat out of hell.

I could hear foot steps. Mad footsteps. Yelling. Yelling at me to come back here. More footsteps.

I got to the front door but I was panicing so much I couldn't get the door open. I'm then suddenly slammed against the hard,cold door and I grunt as he tightly grabs me already hurt wrist to swirl me around.

Fighting and Screaming begin the deep breathing.

I close my eyes tightly as his big hand covers my throat and I wanted to cry. But I won't. I don't want him to laugh.

He suddenly lets me drop the ground and storms away.

I curl into a ball and I gently touch my throat.

His ring cuts into my stomach and I bite down on my tounge as I remember how he stepped on the ring Caleb gave me then he put it down the sink.

I didn't even tell him who gave it to me. He just saw how I liked it so he killed it.

I uncurl from the ball I was in because there's knocking on the door.

I see a scarf on the kitchen counter and I go and wrap it around my neck.

I then go and answer the door. I was shocked to see Lexi and Kat there.

''Kat! Lexi!'' I say in no more then a whisper.

They frown at how high I can talk.

''Lets go! I have a baby appiontment!''Lexi says dragging me to the car and speeding off.

After two long hours of watching and waiting we found out Lexi is having a girl. And of course she had a name he split second the doctor said  'girl!'

''I'm going to name her Katyann!'' She says grinning. I smile and so does Kat. She put Kat and I's name together. Sorta. She turned Kat in Katy and Anna into Ann.

We drive to her appartment and we start to go to the kitchen to order some Pizza when they both turn around and place their fists on their hips.

''Take the scarf off! It's so hot in here!'' They say in unison.

I frown at them. It is hot in here. But I'm sure that my neck is bruised as hell.

Kat rolls her eyes and swirls it in a weird way so it comes off in a easy way without choaking me.

It goes silent but their eyes widen by alot.

I scratch the back of my neck and frown. ''Surprise?''

''How did this happen?'' Lexi demands.

Without letting me answer they pull me to the car and drive me to the hospital.

The doctor said I shouldn't talk for about a week and he gave me a dry erase board and a marker.

I pout as we drive to Caleb's apartment. I don't want to be here. He'll just say I told you so probably!

We go in and I playfully slap Kat on the butt with my board making me blush and glare at me.

I smile but pout because my throat started to pain me.

I sit on the couch and Caleb comes in.

He blinks at me and then looks at Lexi and then Kat.

''Sup guys?''

He looks at me and smiles. ''Hey,Anna.''

I was shocked at his happy tone. But he needs to hide it. No one knows that I like him.

I write down my reply. Hi,Mr.Alexander!

He blinks at me. ''Why can't she talk?'' He asks.

''We don't know. But we took her to the doctor and the doctor said she can't talk for maybe a week. And oh! The baby is a girl!'' Lexi squeals.

I wanted to burst out laughing at his sudden paleness and anger. ''Anna is....PREGNANT?'' He growls.

Kat grins and Lexi blushes. ''No! Remember oh so forgettful brother? I am!''

He gains his color back and smiles. ''Oh yeah.''

I roll my eyes and then I write something down. Lexi!Can you get me a cookie? I know he has a stash somewhere....=)

I throw the marker at her and she looks down at it and picks it up and then reads the board.

She chuckles and goes to his room and comes back out with a box of Sugar Cookies with peanuts in them.

I smile and I star to eat one.

I'm glad I can't talk. Why? Because then I can't answer their questions on why my throat is so bruised.

a.n.-okay! so this isn't very long. I'm very sorry! :) Anyway,Messages would be lovely :)

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