Chapter 28 (unedited)

Comenzar desde el principio

I expect to join the rest but instead I'm pushed up against a tree shielded by everyone. "Liam stop," I demand pushing him off of me. He growls and I find myself shivering in the cold night.

"Shut it Natalia," he says through gritted teeth. I'm not surprised at his voice at this point. I was used to this. His hands tangle themselves in my hair and I pull away but he pushes himself onto me. His lips go to my neck where I feel his tongue lick.

Not again.

"No," I struggle through the words. "Liam stop!"

I raise my leg up and hit him in the crotch. He leans over but I don't stop there. I hit him across the face and kick his side. When he growls out in anger, I hear the others start to walk forward.

Jay, where are you? I think distressed.

I don't have time to ponder over the thought because a force is hitting me across the face so hard, I see black spots.

I grab the side of my face for a moment before shaking it off and getting right back onto my feet. When Liam reaches for me, I try to turn out of his reach but he grabs me last second. I kick him and throw punches left and right but he doesn't seem to be affected. He tosses me against the tree and I push myself against it moving backwards.

I manage to catch him off guard and throw a punch at his stomach. I take that as my chance and jump, swinging to bring my leg across his face. I didn't do this properly with Jay earlier but he hadn't noticed. Liam growls in annoyance when my foot connects with the side of his face and he shifts into his light brown Wolf. I Shift as well and immediately dodge the incoming graze of the Wolf's snapping jaws. I back up and watch as Liam snaps at me. He was angry at everything that happened between me and him.

I crouch low ready to spring up on him. When he comes close enough, I do just that but he anticipates it. His paws come up and he shoves me to the side. He digs into my flesh and I find myself howling out in pain. I move out the way and get away from him to recollect my thoughts.

I lower my head to tell him I was done fighting and he growls menacingly before Shifting back to his human frame. I do the same and gasp at the sensation that travels all over my left side. Looking down, I notice that my skin is torn as a result of where Liam had scratched me.

Liam sighs and steps closer to me. "You need to watch your attitude with me, Natalia. I will not have my Mate disrespect me like that."

"How did I disrespect you?" I mutter but Liam back hands me across the face. The taste of metallic erupts in my mouth and I spit blood out.

"Stop speaking back," he demands. He steps closer and grabs me again squeezing my arms. "If I want you, I'll have you, understood?"

I manage to nod my head, blinking away the tears at the corner of my eyes. Liam tugs my hair to one side exposing him to my neck. I know what he wants to do. He wants to try and mark me again and make me his, but the reality was, he wasn't my Mate.

With quick lightening speed, I knee him in the groin again and Shift immediately springing of the ground. Liam was much bigger than me by a lot but I still managed to hold my own. I dig my jaws into the skin of his neck feeling hope blossom in my chest. This of course is short lived when he Shifts back into Wolf form and throws me off him. My back slams against a tree and I watch Liam growl in deadly rage. The fur around his neck was torn off and he was bleeding heavily.

I felt movement behind me and I turn removing my gaze from Liam for a mere second. I'm attacked from the back by another Wolf, Tyson. He was one of Liam's most loyal friends. I remember he was one of the few that tried to get me in bed with him. My blood boils at the thought and I free myself from his disgusting clutches. At that moment, I'll I see is red.

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