Chapter 6: The secret is revealed

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The garage smells like old rotten shoes and Doritos. Doritos? I are serious?! Tommy is hiding snacks in OUR garage? Like, come on! The last thing I need is some stupid fat ass like Tommy messing up our garge. "I swear if he just wants to live with us cause of the storage in our garage then- SHIT!" I trip on a bucket and fall into a pile of clothes.


I stand up and drop the sneakers. I trudge over to the door. "Tommy!" I shout. "What is it Bree?" Tommy complains. "Why the hell is there some much shit in the garage?" I ask furiously. "Watch your mouth Bree?" "Oh, what are you going to do about it? GROUND ME?!" I shout. "Just take your Doritos and go do what you were doing."

I shut my door. I pick up my phone and start listening to music. "RADIO ACTIVE RADIO ACTIVE!" I shout. "Hun, could you turn that down?!" "Sorry mom!' I shout. I begin cleaning up my room. "I feel it in my, AHHHHH!" I trip.


I completely forgot about my fort! I mean I was so busy that I-, wait I could hide in my fort until dinner! That sounds stupid, but what can I say, I LOVE BUILDING THEM!

I grab my phone and crawl into the almost damaged opening. I can't see anything for a moment but then, I see my lava lamp and books and my reading pillow. I look up, the white blanket covers the ceiling. I grab the tiny pillow that blocked the entrance and sit in the middle of the tall fort. I smile, taking it all in. Then my phone buzzes. It's Kristina.

Kristina: sup gurl! I hav 2 tell u something!
Brianna: OMG, REALLY! Tell me.
Kristina: Prom is in three weeks!
Brianna: Ahhhh! I can't wait!
Kristina: let's go shopping this weekend!
Brianna: Kk
Kristina: I gtg byeeee. Ily times a billy! Bye Bree bee!
Brianna: bye! Ilyyyy times a billy 2! Bye Kristina cupcake!

I go on Instagram. I look at my followers, 467 almost at 500! Yay!

I think about prom. Will Lance ask me out? I doubt that. I will just go with Ruby, Payton, Kristina, Milly and Rose. That sounds good.

"Honey, time for dinner!" Mom shouts. "Alright coming!" I shout.

Time to confront Tommy.

I sit down at the table. I barely touch the parsley or noodles. Mom eats peacefully while TOMMY gobbles it up. I only eat the noodles and sit quietly again. I excuse myself. The weekend is coming to an end and I need to make the best out of the last hours. I excuse my self and go "up" stairs. I shut the bathroom door to make it look like I shut the door. I go half way down the steps to listen to mom and Tommy.

"So, how are you." "Good!". The conversation continues. I notice the laptop on the counter. I need to make a distraction. I walk into the kitchen casually. I grab an apple and the laptop and run up stair.

"Let's find out what you have been up to Tommy." I mumble under my breath.

I look at the website and see a conversation.

Tommy: oh Clarissa, I can't wait to see you tomorrow for our date!
Clarissa: will Judy know?
Tommy: nope.

I stop there.

Tommy is cheating on my mom?!

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